Author Topic: How does Windows rate your system?  (Read 2224 times)

How does Windows rate your system?
Reply #15 on: October 13, 2010, 02:37:41 AM
Quote from: Nimrod
Quote from: knighty
my 2 backup dicks

Sorry, I cannot get past this ;)

doh, I try to blame in on the dyslexia.... but the sad fact is I make that very same typo pretty much every time I type the word disks....

also type ex-girl friends names instead of words that are even just a little bit like the name.....

guess Im on my way to be coming a gibbering nut job   :w00t:

Re:How does Windows rate your system?
Reply #16 on: October 15, 2010, 22:29:06 PM

Yay its working.
Who the smeg is Dwayne Dibbley ?

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How does Windows rate your system?
Reply #17 on: October 16, 2010, 10:27:08 AM
Wow thats quite an amazing jump !
I think Clockd might be right in that it just scores the Disk based on its type. Theres no clever seek/read/write measurements going on :/

Quote from: knighty
guess Im on my way to be coming a gibbering nut job   :w00t:

It happens to us all in the end m8. You should hear me on the phone when Im trying to explain something technical. I stammer like Brucie during Play your Cards Right :D

  • Offline Shaun

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Re:How does Windows rate your system?
Reply #18 on: October 25, 2010, 17:24:31 PM

Just fitted a SSD, should have 7 on CPU as it was only clocked to 3.8Ghz not the normal 4GHz, I had flashed the bios before I installed the drive and set the FSB to low, had uploaded the pic before I noticed and couldnt be arsed doing it again lol Pretty happy seeing apart from the new drive it is basically a 2 year old system :)

How does Windows rate your system?
Reply #19 on: October 25, 2010, 18:10:26 PM
nice..... which gfx card(s) are you running ?

must have cost a few quid to be old and still scoring well !

  • Offline Shaun

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Re:How does Windows rate your system?
Reply #20 on: October 25, 2010, 18:41:10 PM
Opps forgot I updated my graphic cards in March, ...I currently have a pair of  ATI 4890s which I managed to get second hand at just under £200 the pair  ...I also changed mobo thinking about it! I had a Sli board before that ...this comp is starting to sound like Triggers broom! lol  I had a pair of really loud and hot running 8800 GTXs in it before the ATIs, I managed to sell them for £160 on ebay, the Atis are faster, a lot quieter and cool running :)

So the Ram, CPU, case and PSU are the only bits that are really 2 years old :P

Re:How does Windows rate your system?
Reply #21 on: October 25, 2010, 20:14:51 PM
The way that Win 7 rates components is very strange.
Shauns SLI 4890s score less than my single 4890.
Shauns SSD which is the same as mine scores more but i suppose Shaun has his
with AHCI mode enabled.
Most strange.
Who the smeg is Dwayne Dibbley ?

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Re:How does Windows rate your system?
Reply #22 on: October 25, 2010, 23:26:09 PM
It doesn’t appear to take crossfire into account at all for gaming, my cards are running at stock speed while yours is OC’ed, I would guess that’s why you get a slightly higher score.

Yep I have AHCI mode enabled, looking at the comments on ebuyer a lot are getting the same score as me with it on, is yours the 50,000 IOPS version Steve?

TBH I don’t thinks it’s accurate as a benchmarking tool, maybe if it give results to one or 2 more decimal points it could be, but with how it is at the mo it is more a sort of rule of thumb than anything else :)  

Re:How does Windows rate your system?
Reply #23 on: October 26, 2010, 17:10:15 PM
is yours the 50,000 IOPS version Steve?

Just havent optimized it m8.Originally i had a dual boot with win Xp & the boot loader is on a drive
that doesnt support AHCI.When i do get around to a complete re-install ill disconnect the other drives
before installing.
Apparently if your HD does not support TRIM then the maximum you can score is 5.9 !
Who the smeg is Dwayne Dibbley ?

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Re:How does Windows rate your system?
Reply #24 on: October 28, 2010, 23:52:43 PM
Just built my new machine:

Processor 7.5 (i7 9300 @ stock)
Memory 7.5
Graphics 7.7 (5850 @ stock)
Gaming Graphics 7.7
Primary hard Drive 5.9 (500GB samsung)

pity my budget didnt quite stretch to an SSD...

  • Offline Beaker

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Re:How does Windows rate your system?
Reply #25 on: December 02, 2010, 08:51:28 AM
New Netbook

Pretty impressive I think for an 11.6" lappy!

Need to swap out the single 2Gb stick and put a matched pair in though, got to love the fact Acer dropped a single stick of cheap RAM in a performance netbook!

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