Author Topic: Opera is the new Firefox  (Read 1074 times)

Opera is the new Firefox
on: December 05, 2006, 23:09:39 PM
Latest version I tried today was unresponsive and almost hung my system with a 220mb+ memory leak. :lol: Genius lives in Norway. That is all. :P

Opera is the new Firefox
Reply #1 on: December 05, 2006, 23:19:12 PM

bork bork!

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Re:Opera is the new Firefox
Reply #2 on: December 05, 2006, 23:48:32 PM
Firefox is more like Drownedrat these days :cry:

I dont get along with it so well any more.

Re:Opera is the new Firefox
Reply #3 on: December 05, 2006, 23:55:54 PM
/strokes IE7  :mrgreen:

Opera is the new Firefox
Reply #4 on: December 06, 2006, 00:04:44 AM
Firefox 1.5 and the newest 2.0 run just fine on this ancient Emachine. Startup is a couple seconds, and I can have 30 tabs open and still use the Gimp in another work space. :D

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Re:Opera is the new Firefox
Reply #5 on: December 06, 2006, 00:20:14 AM
Its fine until a java applet or some script or flash loads, then the whole thing grinds to a halt. I never had issues with 1.5 other than the diabolical number of crashes (at least 2.0 saves sessions properly...)

If they spent less time on stupid bloody flashing, scrolly, zoomy, swirly transparent menus and glowing buttons and graphical bullshine and more time fixing bugs it would be awesome. Instead they pander to the people that look at Google, check their hotmail and a news site then close the browser but still demand novelty crap plastered everywhere, not people that work and develop using it every day with dozens and dozens of tabs open.

Get it sorted with bugfixes, speed, functionality. In that order. :evil:

Opera is the new Firefox
Reply #6 on: December 06, 2006, 00:26:53 AM
I dont have a problem with *most* java apps, though Ive had the odd one bring FF to its knees. Very rare, though. Im running Flash9 and its rock solid.

Graphical bullshine and novelties? Firefox is pretty austere out of the box. I do have the "Pong!" extension installed, which I guess is the equivalent of some 18" spinners. :lol:

My main browser use is indeed Google everything, boards, Usenet, nekkid ladies, and world news. I mainly browse under Ubuntu, so the executable may not be as vulnerable as under dows?

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Re:Opera is the new Firefox
Reply #7 on: December 06, 2006, 00:43:17 AM
Im sure thats more than likely the root cause of the problems. Basically, the interface between firefox and apps/plugins like flash and Java sucks on big ding dongs.

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Re:Opera is the new Firefox
Reply #8 on: December 06, 2006, 15:49:17 PM
Quote from: Clockd 0Ne
Im sure thats more than likely the root cause of the problems. Basically, the interface between firefox and apps/plugins like flash and Java sucks on big ding dongs.

Definitely, a new plugin API is needed for FF 3.0/Gecko, I have the same problem, especially on sites using quicktime and realplayer in Windows.

Strangely though the memory leak doesnt happen with K-Meleon, which uses exactly the same version of gecko. :?

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Re:Opera is the new Firefox
Reply #9 on: December 06, 2006, 17:33:40 PM
one of the few things that irrates me about IE7 over FF though is some nincompoop at microsoft decided CTRL + mousewheel = zoom instead of text size like every other browser from them and the few others ive used  :roll:

Opera is the new Firefox
Reply #10 on: December 06, 2006, 19:00:52 PM
ctrl and mousewheel is the defacto standard. :shrug:

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