Author Topic: New Mortal Kombat Reboot: Full works  (Read 597 times)

  • Offline neXus

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New Mortal Kombat Reboot: Full works
on: June 09, 2010, 15:07:07 PM
So I have been hearing about this and nothing really to show for it that I thought was real but things seem to be heating up now.

Basically for about a year here and there a full reboot of the franchise has been in the works. A new movie as you can see in the video preview (which looks bloody awesome!) and coupled with that a new game based on the same reboot.
These will probably launch close together and more information about both shown off at E3.
As mentioned in Giantbomb some modelers etc look to have been working on stuff and grass routes more real feel is on the cards.
This could be a good reboot.
The move will never be brilliant movie but could be a very good B movie thats worth a Bluray buy when on sale you play now and again.

On a side note for Half Life fans..... Valve look set to show off their new source engine and Half life 3. Episode 3 is look set to come out and the portal demo has been scraped for the event but neither being shown at E3 so brand spanking new may be coming!

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Re:New Mortal Kombat Reboot: Full works
Reply #1 on: June 09, 2010, 15:22:52 PM
If looks absolutely bloody awful if that test shot is anything to go by. Very cringe inducing. The writer should be shot.

Dont do it Jeri Ryan!  :thumbdown:

Re:New Mortal Kombat Reboot: Full works
Reply #2 on: June 09, 2010, 15:39:44 PM
Jeri Ryan is still smoking hot though!

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Re:New Mortal Kombat Reboot: Full works
Reply #3 on: June 09, 2010, 18:01:18 PM
Quote from: Chris H
If looks absolutely bloody awful if that test shot is anything to go by. Very cringe inducing. The writer should be shot.

Dont do it Jeri Ryan!  :thumbdown:

I have to agree, this looks like bilge. The characters look laughable and the backstories? WTF?

Even Jeri Ryan in a skin tight green outfit wont save this. It looks like it could potentially be worse than that I watched yesterday. At least that had lots of female nudity!

  • Offline neXus

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Re:New Mortal Kombat Reboot: Full works
Reply #4 on: June 10, 2010, 02:32:08 AM
Apparently it was just a proof of concept video to try and get movie deal from Warner.

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