Author Topic: Guild Wars  (Read 1010 times)

Guild Wars
on: April 01, 2009, 14:57:58 PM
Just downloading Guild Wars now........Ive not really read ANYTHING about it to be honest

Is it a bit like WOW?

Which server, character, race etc do people recommend?

Im off to read up now...... :)

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Re:Guild Wars
Reply #1 on: April 01, 2009, 19:15:11 PM
There is only 1 euro server, but it has districts, 1 is the first, as that gets populated people auto spill into 2 etc, but you can change it yourself.

Its not really like wow, the pve content is instanced, you wont run into another player unless your grouped with them, you can however group with npcs that will mimmick having a group, they will dps/heal etc.

The only place you see people is in the towns.

Warrior is a good starter class, easy to play etc, or Necro Minion master, you will control loads of pets and you basically steamroll everything while levelling.
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Re:Guild Wars
Reply #2 on: April 01, 2009, 21:13:02 PM
SO guild wars is more PvE focused than PvP?

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Re:Guild Wars
Reply #3 on: April 01, 2009, 22:24:59 PM
No no, i just didnt talk about the pvp, the pvp side is quite big also, but first you need to learn how to play your class, try out different builds, the whole looking for a guild is different from anything you have done, most of the good guilds dont recruit in the game, you have to go hunting on the net, its really quite hard to get into the proper pvp guilds unless you know someone.

I can get you guys in a big alliance if you join up, its mixed pve and pvp and they have groups for all sorts, with different guilds in the alliance focused on different areas of the game, but i am a floater and you wont see me online all the time, unless ofc something gets me hooked, like the silly chest running title i was going for, but that costs masses of ingame currency to fund, and a lot of work selling in the trade channel because there is no auction house or trading system other than an external website that does item auctions.

But the pvp is massive, to many different arena types to list, but there is straight forward pvp, i.e in the 2nd expansion you chose either Kurzick or Luxon side, and when looking for a guild they will ask you which faction you want to play for, and you can battle in the zones in the 2nd expansion like wow battlegrounds. But there is also much more focused pvp:

* Random Arenas on the Battle Isles.
* Team Arenas on the Battle Isles.
* Heroes Ascent on the Battle Isles.
* Guild versus Guild from the Guild Hall.
* Hero Battles from the Battle Isles. (Requires Nightfall or Eye of the North).
* Alliance Battles from the Guild Hall. (Requires Factions).
* Fort Aspenwood from Echovald Forest or The Jade Sea as well as Great Temple of Balthazar. (Requires Factions).
* The Jade Quarry from Echovald Forest or The Jade Sea as well as Great Temple of Balthazar. (Requires Factions).

Some you grind various point types, others have loot at the end in a chest for the best teams etc.

You can also skip the levelling stage pve wise, and create a lvl 20 character with set armor and weapons purely for pvp, but i urge you to roll pve first to learn your character.

You choose one main profession ,but you can also spec in a 2nd profession and can obtain secondary skills from it, i.e a Warrior 1st for dps/tanking with Monk 2nd for some healing abilities, but you can also change this to any other 2nd profession on the fly, no paying currency for it, your never stuck with a specific secondary, you can learn all of them and alternate them and save all your builds ingame. You can also go to build sites and copy the data of those builds other people have made, straight into your game.

Its pretty in depth but you will get the hang of it

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Re:Guild Wars
Reply #4 on: April 02, 2009, 23:51:39 PM
Thanks a lot for the input.

I started PVE as thats what I liked best in WOW. I started just after Id posted, so made a Ranger....seems ok up to now, although a bit easy? Im only level 2, and doing quests, but you sort of get guided to where you need to go.

Still figuring things out, so wont be doing some things right. I took a 2nd profession as that right? I see you can have 4 different characters. Do they have anything in common, or are they just seperate from each other?

Is the PVE side of the game quite a on your own type of play? As you can see people in main cities, but cant seem to do anything with anyone outside of them.

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Re:Guild Wars
Reply #5 on: April 03, 2009, 00:53:34 AM
Ranger is an ok class, for secondary you can take whatever you like, but taking monk will give you heals as you cant rely on the npcs to heal you all the time, the AI used to be quite crap but i know they have buffed it a bit.

Depending on which game your playing you should level Fast, Faster or Fastest, i.e the earlier game being the slower one to lvl but still fast in comparison to other games, the last expansion i.e. Nightfall (not including Eye of the north cus thats really an extention to the original) you can level up a 20 char in a day without troubles, but its all about finishing all the content / missions for your "Campaign" so to speak, then moving onto the extensive endgame i.e. pve dungeons and pvp.

Dunno what you mean by characters having things in common, its just different archetypes much similar to wow.

The PVE side is soloable with the NPC helpers you can add to your party, all the content is "Instanced" which you will work out soon enough, and all the grouping takes places in the bases/towns etc in between the zones, you will see these cus when you enter there will be other players hanging around. The best thing to do is get into a guild, a larger guild and most of them still run the old content because of ingame achievements, alt levelling etc. I will get you into a guild later, just give me your character name and i will get you an invite, granted ive not been in the alliance for more than 2 days, but ive been playing on and off with these guys since 2006 and been in their alliance a few  times since them.

So basically if you want to group , hit the base/towns in between the zones, or get into a guild, but you will find you will play a portion of the content on your own and its very solo friendly, some areas just take a bit of thinking to get past, i.e mobs doing debuffs, big dmg w/e , its all about working out the kill order and which target to hit first in the group to make sure they go down quick.
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Re:Guild Wars
Reply #6 on: April 03, 2009, 07:00:01 AM
I could go through a load if issues but Ive already done it here, just click on professions...

At that time I hadnt done the extra professions from Nightfall and Factions, so they arent included.

Ranger/warrior is quite popular initially, quite surviveable but initial damage output isnt that good.

Ranger/elemental is also a good initial choice but power is limited.

I ended up Elemental/mesmer but recently went elemental/monk. If you decide you dont like it and are in pre-searing Ascalon then go post searing and pay for the storage chest, you can store gold and money there. I still dont like doing warrior but Ive gotten used to several other professions, so perhaps I might go back and try again.

Dont sell dye to the merchant, sell it to other players or use it yourself. Black is priced at 1 gold, but worth between 6,500 and 8,000 depending on where you sell it. White is a bit cheaper, 3,000-3500.

You might want to add me to your friends as Emperor Serious (a Dervish/Mesmer). Note Im not admitting Ive got a character called Serious Love on here.

Prophecies is the easiest to get into, but you can get the complete collection, 3 games plus eye of the north expansion, for ~£25 from play.

Main limit is only eight skills at a time, which can be rather limiting.

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