Author Topic: Nokia 6131... any good ?  (Read 626 times)

Nokia 6131... any good ?
on: August 06, 2006, 18:22:50 PM
anyone got one ?

Im not intrested in features, cameras etc... just simple ohone calls and texts do it for me... (with big buttons for my fat fingers)

bought a Motorola V3 a when they were first out for just over £200 and.... its CRAP

so don;t want to do the same again... ive been using the V3 just because I wanted my monies worth out of it.... but ive given up now :(

Re:Nokia 6131... any good ?
Reply #1 on: August 07, 2006, 07:42:21 AM
An excellent phone. No camera, but does have bluetooth. I have the 6310i. Not sure what the differance the i makes. Somethiong to do with internationl roaming I think. If its a good solid basic phone you are after, you wont go far wrong.

Nokia 6131... any good ?
Reply #2 on: August 07, 2006, 20:17:11 PM
cool, just bought one, Ill see how I like it :)

£130 which I consiter to be a total rip off for a phone... but I have to have one for work for when Im not in the office, and I hate the one I have now :(

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