Author Topic: Windows Server AV?  (Read 2447 times)

  • Offline Beaker

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Windows Server AV?
on: April 07, 2006, 17:56:36 PM
Right then, network is up and running as well as can be expected for the fact the server is actually called "Frankenputer" on the network.

Server and 5 client machines hardwired, with 2 wireless laptops, only one those actually accesses the network, the other is my wardriving machine so it isnt being bolted in.

Ive got 2 Client Licences for Sophos from a mate I do some work for.  Who would recommend something else useful?
The Main lappy and the gaming box are keeping Sophos, but the server and the other client machines need something!  Ideally i would like somthing that allows me to just download to the server and then update from there.
THere was a thread round here that i now cant find about AV software that i cant seem to spot.  What where folks cheap/free recommendations?  this is for personal learning/buggering about with stuff so i dont want to be dishing out masses of cash for something that has cost me £55 in total to set up!

edit : imalso going to install exchange server over the next couple of weeks, so i could do with something that covers that :)

  • Offline skidzilla

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Windows Server AV?
Reply #1 on: April 09, 2006, 13:40:55 PM : (Check Windows native ports or just throw some old parts together for a Linux box. FrankenTuxPuter :P)

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