Author Topic: Multi monitor screensaver conundrum  (Read 517 times)

  • Offline Quixoticish

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Multi monitor screensaver conundrum
on: July 01, 2009, 10:52:55 AM
My second monitor is up running all day with my e-mail window there and its starting showing some image retention. Obviously this is a bit worrying so Im wondering if there is any way to display a screensaver (or, in a pinch, go into standby) on the second monitor that will vanish when I either use a keyboard shortcut or (better) actually use something on that monitor? I know there are some great little multi-monitor apps out there and all of them allow independent screensavers on each monitor but obviously its a system wide setting so as soon as I use the mouse or keyboard to work on the primary monitor the second one will come to life as well.

I know its easy enough to just turn the monitor off when its not being used but the power button feels like its on the way out and I like the convenience of being able to swap straight over to my e-mails if a new message comes in without waiting for the monitor to power itself up.

Surely there has to be a piece of software out there that will let your screens work completely independently so that activity on one does not shut down the screensaver on the other, I cant be the only person with this problem.

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