Author Topic: wow youve really got to jump around to make that Kinect work  (Read 1023 times)

I ph34r his 1337  gaming skillzor. I certainly wont be buying a kinect, looks like much too much hard work.

  • Offline Mardoni

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wow youve really got to jump around to make that Kinect work
Reply #1 on: November 23, 2010, 09:44:20 AM
Firstly that game is sh*te. Secondly, he came third. Thirdly, why would you buy a motion based game and then sit still ?

Ive got a Kinect and its brilliant fun. I find it much more enjoyable than the Wii and play it a bucket load more than I ever did the Wii. In fact the Kinect has managed to get a look in pretty much every night since it launched, even though I have Black-Ops !

Along with Kinect Adventures I bought Kinect Sports and Fitness Evolved. Ive so far lost about 5 pounds weight using the Kinect + Fitness Evolved. If you want to play it properly you have to get involved.

The only problem I have with the Kinect is the amount of space you need. It just fits in my living room and my sofa is around 11 from my TV/Kinect; I dont know how MS say it will work from 6 out.

wow youve really got to jump around to make that Kinect work
Reply #2 on: November 23, 2010, 10:03:41 AM
Quote from: Nimrod
. If you want to play it properly you have to get involved.

you mean draw the curtain, lock the door & face photos towards teh wall?

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wow youve really got to jump around to make that Kinect work
Reply #3 on: November 23, 2010, 10:11:00 AM

Thats about the size of it actually :)

wow youve really got to jump around to make that Kinect work
Reply #4 on: November 23, 2010, 11:08:02 AM
Quote from: Nimrod

The only problem I have with the Kinect is the amount of space you need. It just fits in my living room and my sofa is around 11 from my TV/Kinect; I dont know how MS say it will work from 6 out.

In reality I agree completely, that does seem to be the only major flaw, as far as I can determine from what Ive seen online it just wouldnt work in my living room and leave space for furniture of any kind. I think only my attic room has the floor space required and then Id be forever banging my head on the ceiling.

Im glad to hear youre enjoying it, some of the games theyre advertising look really good fun / good ideas, provided the hardware lives up to expectations (which your experience seems to suggest it does).

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wow youve really got to jump around to make that Kinect work
Reply #5 on: November 23, 2010, 11:25:22 AM
Here you go, just for you some quality highlights !
(I had no idea the Kinect did this until the first video was played back to me. This feature makes it all worth while imo)

Kinect Sports Track and Field

Trying to "teach" my Dad Table Tennis...

A m8 who seems intent on breaking my light fitting :s

As much as the games are fun everyone seems to like seeing how much of a tit they looked whilst playing the games too :D

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Re:wow youve really got to jump around to make that Kinect work
Reply #6 on: November 23, 2010, 11:39:33 AM
Things like this and all the Wii business really are designed for people with lots of space and to have lots of friends over, its all party game stuff really. None of it is intended for the average Joe that just wants to sit down of an evening with a beer and play a game, I think that has to considered.

For that reason, Im out.

Re:wow youve really got to jump around to make that Kinect work
Reply #7 on: November 23, 2010, 11:49:14 AM
Quote from: Clockd 0Ne
Things like this and all the Wii business really are designed for people with lots of space and to have lots of friends over, its all party game stuff really. None of it is intended for the average Joe that just wants to sit down of an evening with a beer and play a game, I think that has to considered.

For that reason, Im out.

Isnt that kind of the point though? Admittedly the Wii rather stands or falls on its controller, but you can still play Halo or whatever on the Xbox with a standard controller when a beer and a game is what you want.

I see the motion controllers as appealing to markets and game types which didnt previously exist rather than replacing the traditional console controls. That personal training thing Beckham keeps advertising at the moment for example, if its well done and the hardware works as advertised looks like it could be a fun way to get some exercise.

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Re:wow youve really got to jump around to make that Kinect work
Reply #8 on: November 23, 2010, 12:15:29 PM
Not for me either :disappointed:  I hurt my shoulder playing tennis on the Wii, while pissed up the Christmas after it came out, took months for the bloody thing to heal and ended up having to pay to see a physio! for me exercise and gaming don’t mix   :P

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Re:wow youve really got to jump around to make that Kinect work
Reply #9 on: November 23, 2010, 12:47:41 PM
Im not saying I think its a bad idea at all Mongoose, I can certainly see the potential and market for something like this - thats what I was getting at about things being considered - for the people that think it looks rubbish. It wouldnt be something I would ever buy though, especially at that price.

Re:wow youve really got to jump around to make that Kinect work
Reply #10 on: November 23, 2010, 13:35:57 PM
Quote from: Clockd 0Ne
It wouldnt be something I would ever buy though, especially at that price.

Im with you there, but the price will drop once they recoup development costs. Give it a year or two and itll be thrown in for free (or close to)

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Re:wow youve really got to jump around to make that Kinect work
Reply #11 on: November 23, 2010, 15:12:44 PM
Quote from: Mongoose
Give it a year or two and itll be thrown in for free (or close to)

Not sure about that! Im pretty sure the price will be staying >£100 for a long time and the lowest itll get in the next few years.. I would guess £50.

There will however be floods of second hand Kinects on the market within the next few months. I cant see this being much more than a phase for a lot of gamers.

If I had to choose, Id have the move.

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wow youve really got to jump around to make that Kinect work
Reply #12 on: November 23, 2010, 15:49:03 PM
Quote from: Nimrod

Trying to "teach" my Dad Table Tennis...

Please someone edit this with some 90s Rave tunes :P
Insert signature here.

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wow youve really got to jump around to make that Kinect work
Reply #13 on: November 25, 2010, 09:28:39 AM
The only let down in the hardware is the fact it is not doing its own processing of your frame and depth etc. They took the chip out to reduce the cost of it.

The software framework they have done though is what is brilliant. Very cool stuff and very complex.

The first set of game development was on unfinished hardware and software framework. Much of the libraries were updated further down the line. Harmonics mentioned how they re-built their menu system just before E3 when new updates came to them to offer the swipe rather then hold your hand.
The tech to pick up your body and structure while sitting down launched only after most of these games finished.

A lot of these had to come out on release of the hardware and clearly as always some did better then others. That guy did such a good face for that video but that game is CRAP! and the developers put little effort in development but then if you turn all the assistance on Project Gothum Racing the cars practically drive themselves as well.

I do have high hopes for this. Seeing what people are doing with hacked drives on their mac/linux/windows machines is very impressive. A number of people have said they could only do what they are doing before on kit that cost a hell of a lot more then the kinect does.

The next gears of war offering hand gesture and voice actions as an option other then radials and things like this will get me to buy one.

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