Author Topic: Microserver OS and Cloud Storage  (Read 5630 times)

  • Offline Adrock

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Microserver OS and Cloud Storage
on: September 19, 2012, 16:54:21 PM
Right now I dont have the money to pay for 2 x 2tb drives and the lack of storage is now getting to be an issue.

Do any of you guys have experience with usb distros that will be easy enough for me to add sabnzbd and a few other bits? Would like to keep most of the functionality of UnRAID but dont want the back up security. I've not had much experience of usb installs other than UnRAID, which has pretty much worked faultlessly.

Which leads me to my second question. What would be the best option for cloud based services? I'd much rather back up my important stuff to the cloud, as it were, than run my own backup strategy.

Last Edit: September 19, 2012, 17:27:46 PM by Adrock #187;

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Re: Microserver OS and Cloud Storage
Reply #1 on: September 19, 2012, 21:08:05 PM
The Acronis TrueImage thread has a sort of discussion on could services. At the moment there are a fair few options out there.

Bitcasa - It's currently free while in Beta, I've not used it for a while as it was very buggy but it could have shaped up nicely now, the gist of it is you drop everything you want clouded into specific folder(s) flagged in Bitcasa, then these folders are automatically synced with the Bitcasa cloud. If it's cheap when it goes final and they sort the software out it will be a good solution I think.

Google Cloud - I tried it for work, don't really like it at all, I don't think its particularly user friendly or convenient. Pricing is on the link, first 5GB is free, with data rates for beyond that on top.

Dropbox - Which I'm sure everyone has heard of and probably played with, I don't really care for it that much and stopped using it, it's more for people that need to access their files remotely or share them a lot, which I don't. Their free package is 2GB minimum and up to 18GB (500MB per referral).

Others that have been mentioned before are Carbonite and Mozy, I've no experience of them though. There's a website ranking them here that might be useful for a quick scan through to get an idea

lol this thread brings the whole discussion full circle  ;D

Re: Microserver OS and Cloud Storage
Reply #2 on: September 19, 2012, 21:11:49 PM
If you do chose drop box, then the below thread has my guide to get extra space:

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Re: Microserver OS and Cloud Storage
Reply #3 on: September 19, 2012, 21:16:09 PM
I had a look through some of those on that link in my above post, beware that a lot of them seem to promise a lot for free but actually when you read further deliver very little without the words 'monthly plans' 'rates' and 'prices' suddenly appearing, but no links to show what they are. Best off sticking to the more widely recognised ones I think.

  • Offline Adrock

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Re: Microserver OS and Cloud Storage
Reply #4 on: September 19, 2012, 22:56:16 PM
Thanks for the suggestions, I think some serious thought will need to go into cloud resources. Mainly for family photos, videos and the like. Things that cant be replace. I dont mind paying for something either, as long as its not too expensive

Music and Videos are no real worry for me.

After some more consideration, I might stick with UnRAID and use the cloud based storage to clear out loads of the photos and videos on the UnRAID box. Which then brings me to the considering of being able to access cloud based storage via XBMC. Time to search.....

So, who offers the best paid for cloud based storage?

Re: Microserver OS and Cloud Storage
Reply #5 on: September 19, 2012, 23:54:47 PM
I don't think there are many if any using it on here, although I'm starting to look in to it..

How much stuff do you want to put on the cloud?

And also depends what you mean by best :) whatever you choose I'd make sure that you are only using the cloud for a backup and not a permanent storage location for your files.. look at the last link above ;)

Re: Microserver OS and Cloud Storage
Reply #6 on: September 20, 2012, 00:22:45 AM
I read that Bitcasa is going to be £10/month for 500Tb

no idea if it's true tho....

I'm waiting for google to get going properly....

  • Offline Adrock

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Re: Microserver OS and Cloud Storage
Reply #7 on: September 20, 2012, 00:56:47 AM
My main usage would be photos and videos, all family stuff. Any films and music will not be backed up by any cloud based service.

Google drive or Amazon's offering will give security of being a big company so they won't disappear like smaller start ups.

Microserver OS and Cloud Storage
Reply #8 on: September 21, 2012, 01:40:02 AM
Try use friends storage to act as cloud along with any other devices you own or pay a small monthly fee for online storage.

Or Carbonite.

I myself use sugarsync and Dropbox or my own vps which (thread about it in bargains and freebies) cost me $15 for 1 year. 500gb traffic a month, 20gb hdd space, downside you have to sort your own server out, it's a Linux box on the net, what you do with it is up to you.
Last Edit: September 21, 2012, 01:44:05 AM by M3ta7h3ad #187;

Microserver OS and Cloud Storage
Reply #9 on: September 21, 2012, 01:41:15 AM
My main usage would be photos and videos, all family stuff. Any films and music will not be backed up by any cloud based service.

Google drive or Amazon's offering will give security of being a big company so they won't disappear like smaller start ups.

Google drive means your data will be examined for advertising relevant keywords and metadata to help them target advertising better. Just as they do with email.

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Re: Microserver OS and Cloud Storage
Reply #10 on: September 21, 2012, 09:42:15 AM
I really don't like Google's offering at all and as M3ta7h3ad pointed out they are quick to use your data and start trying to rope you in to other services, but I totally forgot about Amazon's service. If I wanted to get into bed with a big boy I'd probably go with them.

Looking at these sites makes me laugh, they all complete copies of each other ironically and you really have to dig to find useful info on the services.
Last Edit: September 21, 2012, 09:47:02 AM by Clock'd 0Ne #187;

Re: Microserver OS and Cloud Storage
Reply #11 on: September 21, 2012, 10:54:10 AM
I bought a recent Android phone and got given a heap of free dropbox space, I'm at 30.2Gb free now. Might be an option if you have a recent phone and haven't signed up to dropbox yet?
Formerly sexytw

Re: Microserver OS and Cloud Storage
Reply #12 on: September 21, 2012, 13:11:42 PM
also, with the dropbox app, for every gig of photos you upload, they give you an extra gig of storage for free... up to 5 gig

once you have the extra space it's yours free for life

I was going to upload photos just for the free space.... just kept hitting the photo button while I was watching a film one day.... but it was going to take forever so I gave up

oh... it's videos and photos btw :-)

Re: Microserver OS and Cloud Storage
Reply #13 on: September 22, 2012, 09:16:41 AM
don't know if this is relevant to the use case as the thread has developed, but Amazon have just launched a new service called Glacier which is designed for long term archival and backup storage.

It's $0.01 per GB per month for storage, but retrieval takes up to 5 hours and retrieving above a certain percentage of your archive incurs a cost (which still seems to be pretty reasonable for occasional use). Basically the pricing model is designed to encourage use for long term storage of stuff you almost never access, but want to know is safe if you ever need it.

AFAIK there are no clients available yet, but could really make the cloud more attractive for long term disaster recovery backups.

BTW just in case anyone doesn't know, Dropbox uses Amazon S3 under the hood. From what I've seen, that's a very good thing.

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Re: Microserver OS and Cloud Storage
Reply #14 on: September 22, 2012, 11:20:19 AM
Everyone uses Amazon S3, its a great platform, it's very reliable. $20 for 2TB of storage per month is pretty decent, that does sound ideal for most people's backup solutions.

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