Author Topic: Backup solutions  (Read 1579 times)

  • Offline Quixoticish

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Backup solutions
on: July 30, 2009, 11:43:32 AM
Im wondering what peoples backup solutions are.

Since I started working from home a few years back Ive become increasingly paranoid about loosing all my data so ended up picking up a copy of Acronis Trueimage and a nice big external hard drive. It takes about three hours to run an Acronis backup assuming I want a full image, less if its incremental.

One thing that has dawned on me though is that creating a whole hard drive backup is effectively pointless for me. I can understand the need for people who have to be up and running 100% immediately but instead Ive decided to ditch Acronis and just move all of my important files to My Documents, Shared Documents and on the Desktop. Three nice and easy folders to back up that take a maximum of half an hour as opposed to three hours with Acronis. Admittedly Id have to re-install everything myself rather than just tell Acronis to make a clone of the image if I ever need to install a new hard drive but it just seems so much easier than faffing with 3rd party programs that may not work when it comes to the crunch and you need your image restoring. As long as the vital bits like my work things, downloaded payware programs, e-mails and bookmarks and suchlike are stored thats all I really need.

Im also trialling Carbonite ( and its going well, very non-intrusive and will back on the three aforementioned important folders to an off site location, so between that and daily backups to an external hard drive I think Ive got it covered, it appears Acronis was complete overkill and I was using it because I was lazy rather than because I needed it.

What are peoples backup solutions, what do you use, what have you used in the past and what do you recommend?

  • Offline shofty

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Re:Backup solutions
Reply #1 on: July 30, 2009, 11:56:21 AM
robocopy as a shutdown script.


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Re:Backup solutions
Reply #2 on: July 30, 2009, 12:02:41 PM
Quote from: bytejunkie
robocopy as a shutdown script.


This was my solution also, but it annoyed me as it took too long (since generally if Im shutting down my computer its once every couple of months and Im usually in a rush to leave). So now I manually run my robocopy batch file to backup my data when I think about it.

When I install Windows 7 I will probably take a backup image as soon as I have all my apps, etc installed and everything just right, and use this to accompany my manual robocopy backups.

  • Offline Mardoni

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Backup solutions
Reply #3 on: July 30, 2009, 12:40:46 PM
I use Acronis to generate a backup of my OS partition. This is updated automagically every week.

I use SyncBack to backup all of my data. I move everything I want to backup onto an internal 1TB hdd. That HDD is then backed up to my server (mirrored raid).

My server backs up everything that is on the mirrored raid to an external HDD.

Finally I have several external HDDs that are used to backup my movies and music. This is something that I do manually when the mood takes me.

I have been playing around with the free V-stuff backup from VirginMedia. And I have to say that the concept is very good. Ive also been looking at Carbonite, for $5 p/m the unlimited backup space is very appealing. The only problem I have with these offsite solutions is the time that the initial upload and indeed a restore would take.

  • Offline Quixoticish

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Backup solutions
Reply #4 on: July 30, 2009, 12:52:45 PM
Quote from: Nimrod
I use Acronis to generate a backup of my OS partition. This is updated automagically every week.

I use SyncBack to backup all of my data. I move everything I want to backup onto an internal 1TB hdd. That HDD is then backed up to my server (mirrored raid).

My server backs up everything that is on the mirrored raid to an external HDD.

Finally I have several external HDDs that are used to backup my movies and music. This is something that I do manually when the mood takes me.

I have been playing around with the free V-stuff backup from VirginMedia. And I have to say that the concept is very good. Ive also been looking at Carbonite, for $5 p/m the unlimited backup space is very appealing. The only problem I have with these offsite solutions is the time that the initial upload and indeed a restore would take.

After trying Carbonite I cant recommend it. It automatically excludes lots of files and folders such as video files and things it deems to be temporary. It also wont back up executables so you have to zip up any software youve bought and downloaded. The result is you spend hours going through your folders just to double check that everything you need is backed up. Mozy appears to be better, works out at around the same price per month (no free trial though) but you can just select entire folders or even drives and itll sort it all out for you without excluding anything. (

Carbonite also kept trying to auto-throttle itself and messing up and eating my bandwidth. Mozy just lets you set a % of connection utilised and change it on the fly depending on what youre doing, but Ive got it maxed out and am having no problems with browsing and using the internet in general.

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Re:Backup solutions
Reply #5 on: July 30, 2009, 16:23:28 PM
I use Acronis Truimage Home and a large USB external drive for the system. For data I just copy them off directly onto the USB-HD or put them onto a memory stick depending on size, my books are on a memory key.

Re:Backup solutions
Reply #6 on: July 30, 2009, 16:47:37 PM
I have 3 PCs at home, 2 GAMES PC/s & One home PC for office, email, scanning, printing, photo editing etc.
I keep a copy of data from the home PC on both the Games PCs data partitions. (one set of Data duplicated across 3 PCs using Stripped SataII Drives)

Then I backup pictures to DVD and keep personal/critical data on an IDE Drive that sits in a removable drive caddy.

When the mood takes me I can remove the IDE drive and store it offsite, usefull when I go on holiday.

I use Synctoy v1.4 to copy data between the various shared folders.
Nothing is automated, I dont do enough work to need it automated, I just kickoff synctoy on the Home PC when Ive downloaded MP3s or uploaded a video or written a letter to the bank  8-)

Re:Backup solutions
Reply #7 on: July 30, 2009, 20:11:05 PM
I have created a batch script that does the below (the actual backup uses SyncToy and its very quick!)

I have my laptop backup to my home media centre at the moment, this will then be backing up over the internet to a server at my parents house, when I next go home and set-up their new router to allow me to VPN back in again! (200 miles away, so not like I can just pop round!)

My laptop is scheduled to run the script each night at 8PM, or when it is turned on after that.

1. It first checks via ping to see if the HTPC is on (If YES go to step 6, if NO go to next step)
2. It then sends a WOL command to the HTPC
3. It then carries out another ping 2 minutes later (time for it to boot and settle), if no response then it assumes Im not at home and exits.
4. If it gets a response it then runs SyncToy command line to copy new and updated files (Both ways in case I edit anything from my other computers)
5. It then sends a shutdown command to the HTPC, with a cancel dialogue on the HTPC in case someone has started to use it during backup. Then exits

6. If it was already on, then just runs the backup and doesnt sent the shutdown command and exits.

Currently have an external encrypted HD I keep at work, but doesnt get plugged in all that often, so want to setup a more frequent BU over the internet.

  • Offline Quixoticish

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Re:Backup solutions
Reply #8 on: July 31, 2009, 17:20:07 PM
Incidentally Mozy is better than Carbonite for online backups because it reticulates the splines.

Re:Backup solutions
Reply #9 on: July 31, 2009, 22:27:33 PM
I am very paranoid about losing my PhD work so I have a pair of external HDDs, one lives at home, the other at work.

All my PhD stuff is stored in a folder called "~/Documents/PhD-Working" on my laptop, and I have an rsync script set up to back up that folder every 2 hours to whichever external HDD is plugged in at the time, I also have the option of running it manually if I want to.

The rsync command is configured to never delete anything from the backup drives. The system is slightly vulnerable to files being overwritten, but it would have to go unnoticed for long enough to get synced to both HDDs to be a problem. No single file I have yet is THAT irreplaceable, but Ill probably get even more paranoid when it comes to Thesis writing time.

Re:Backup solutions
Reply #10 on: July 31, 2009, 22:27:56 PM
Quote from: Chris H
Incidentally Mozy is better than Carbonite for online backups because it reticulates the splines.

you should never leave your splines unreticulated ;)

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