Author Topic: Dual Core Celeron anyone?  (Read 889 times)

  • Offline Beaker

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Dual Core Celeron anyone?
on: August 30, 2008, 23:02:28 PM
Been asked to put a proper budget box together for someone, and im considering one of these.  Anyone used one, or had experience of building one up?  Im after a subjective opinion here, because Ive pretty much avoided Celly and Semperon stuff like the plague for as long as I can remember.  

  • Offline Shaun

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Re:Dual Core Celeron anyone?
Reply #1 on: August 30, 2008, 23:48:23 PM
Not used a up to date Celeron for a long time either tbh

I would be tempted if I was looking to put a really bargain basement system together to go for a unless you can get a Celeron for quite a bit less?

  • Offline Beaker

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Re:Dual Core Celeron anyone?
Reply #2 on: August 30, 2008, 23:52:31 PM
The celly is £29 including HSF, plus Im off to Middlebrook retail park on Monday, so can pick up from Scan.  So far im looking at either the dul core celly, or a single core Athlon LE.  The AMD Motherboards are a bit cheaper, which may swing it.  The entire rig is highly price sensitive, its only for a bit of browsing and MS Office, its just the person its for has let the magic smoke escape.  

  • Offline Shaun

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Re:Dual Core Celeron anyone?
Reply #3 on: August 31, 2008, 00:07:07 AM
Seeing it’s just for browsing and Office I would be tempted to go for the best chipset you can get for the price you’re looking to pay.

 Choose the chip as a secondary concern as performance in that price range doesn’t really matter that much and stability and features are more important IMO.

  • Offline Beaker

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Re:Dual Core Celeron anyone?
Reply #4 on: August 31, 2008, 01:15:51 AM
ok then see what people think ::

2Gb Generic RAM ::        £23.43
160Gb Maxtor HDD ::      £26.19
LG DVD Writer ::            £14.09
Athlon 64 LE-1640 ::       £27.84
Gigabytw GA-MA74GM :: £38.01
Cheap Case @ PSU ::     £33.78

Total = £163.34  

£11.66 under the required budget.  

  • Offline Shaun

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Re:Dual Core Celeron anyone?
Reply #5 on: August 31, 2008, 01:20:54 AM
Don’t think that can be beat by much tbh …lol around 2 years ago that spec at around 400 quid+ would have looked decent value :P

  • Offline Beaker

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Re:Dual Core Celeron anyone?
Reply #6 on: August 31, 2008, 01:25:26 AM
im considering 1Gb and a 4450e, but ill have to ask a couple more questions 1st.  Its only going to be running XP, so non-sparkling hardware wont be an issue.  Its just got to get the guy to the end of the university year.  

  • Offline Shaun

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Re:Dual Core Celeron anyone?
Reply #7 on: August 31, 2008, 01:42:29 AM
1gb of Ram will be fine for XP, not really up on recent AMD chipsets apart from the 780gs so tell me to shut up if the CPU is a better option to upgrade :P , but one thing I have noticed over the years is at that end of the market quite often abetter mobo chipset is more of a performance boost than a faster CPU, so would a better mobo be a better option???

Dual Core Celeron anyone?
Reply #8 on: August 31, 2008, 08:36:33 AM
If all its gotta do is last a few months grab a refurb from BigPockets?

  • Offline Serious

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Re:Dual Core Celeron anyone?
Reply #9 on: August 31, 2008, 23:48:53 PM
I would consider an E2160 CPU, work well enough and have reasonable performance.

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