Author Topic: Hellgate: London  (Read 1248 times)

Hellgate: London
on: March 07, 2008, 23:02:41 PM
I couldnt see a thread about this game so thought I would start one.

The first thing I will say is "What the hell went wrong?".

The game should have been amazing, the first bit of play is very good, ignoring the useless tutorial. The opening cinematic was good, the graphics were nice... but then everything went down hill. Gameplay is very simplistic and boring, the item/inventory system is overly confusing, the instanced levels are repetitive as are the quests.

Feels like someone made a futuristic version of wow.... then removed the good bits. On that analogy I start with the multiplayer aspect, whilst it may not be right for me to comment on it as I am still to play it. That isnt through lack of trying.

Firstly it seems to be patching the game... which i think.. fair enough it is semi mmo they need to fix bugs... so i let it finish. Then it says it needs a patch... huh... what the hell was that... I then get booted to the website where I am given 3 options Single Player Patch, Multiplayer Patch and some randomly named patch that sounds like a content update. I try to download the multiplayer patch as i assume that is what i need... but then i get a 404...

Am I on the official site for a game or some project from a schoolkid?

I eventually after searching all over the place find out that I should get the randomly named patch. No help from the official forums as there are no official forums for Europe only for North America and you need a game account to access it. Sorry, a North American game account.

So after getting the patch I am suddenly getting alarms from my virus checker saying that the patch download contains a trojan. Which is always reassuring. So again after going on a random site it turns out it is a false positive. I am assuming this to be true, with no help from the games makers.

Sorry for the rant... but WHAT THE HELL???

I expected this level of customer support 10 years ago but not now.

I am not even going to mention the bugs because I think I have ranted enough.

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Re:Hellgate: London
Reply #1 on: March 08, 2008, 02:28:00 AM
If you want something futuristic, take a look a Tabula Rasa, i played in the Beta, but i stopped due to them go public with testing without ironing out the bugs they had, but i would have thought at least the worst ones have been fixed now :D
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Re:Hellgate: London
Reply #2 on: March 08, 2008, 02:47:56 AM
Conan - Go watch the latest set of gameplay videos on IGN
God that looks good
Guilds can build their own cities and then you can attack these with siege weapons etc
Mounts look amazing, graphics look stunning and looks like it has some great concepts

Little question on how the combat works being user done rather then key press button spell functions etc and how that plays in terms of Raiding, can see pvp being very cool that way though.

Warhammer is shaping up to be insanely massive from every aspect, just a huge game from the start and they are cramming everything in that you would have wanted in wow.

Hellgate: London
Reply #3 on: March 08, 2008, 09:27:12 AM
Aye, I played a little Hellgate : London, didnt see what the fuss was, and uninstalled it.

  • Offline zpyder

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Re:Hellgate: London
Reply #4 on: March 08, 2008, 09:34:11 AM
I played the demo. I wanted to like it. I mean, its set in London, it has demons, and it has futuristic armour stuff...a recipe for awesomeness.

I played the demo through twice, each time desperately trying to find something for me to like enough to get the game and play. But I couldnt find it, its a shame, things like the cinematic and the statuettes in Forbidden Planet are bloody awesome!

  • Offline Quixoticish

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Re:Hellgate: London
Reply #5 on: March 08, 2008, 09:57:39 AM
Quote from: neXus
Conan - Go watch the latest set of gameplay videos on IGN
God that looks good
Guilds can build their own cities and then you can attack these with siege weapons etc
Mounts look amazing, graphics look stunning and looks like it has some great concepts

Little question on how the combat works being user done rather then key press button spell functions etc and how that plays in terms of Raiding, can see pvp being very cool that way though.

Warhammer is shaping up to be insanely massive from every aspect, just a huge game from the start and they are cramming everything in that you would have wanted in wow.

Ive been playing MMOs for years now and pretty much seen them all at one time or another but Age of Conan is looking fantastic, Ill definitely be subscribing at launch. Its never going to be a World of Warcraft beater but I think they acknowledge that and are aiming at a definite niche in the market. If they stick to that niche theyll do well I think.

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Re:Hellgate: London
Reply #6 on: March 08, 2008, 10:18:55 AM
Quote from: Chris H
Quote from: neXus
Conan - Go watch the latest set of gameplay videos on IGN
God that looks good
Guilds can build their own cities and then you can attack these with siege weapons etc
Mounts look amazing, graphics look stunning and looks like it has some great concepts

Little question on how the combat works being user done rather then key press button spell functions etc and how that plays in terms of Raiding, can see pvp being very cool that way though.

Warhammer is shaping up to be insanely massive from every aspect, just a huge game from the start and they are cramming everything in that you would have wanted in wow.

Ive been playing MMOs for years now and pretty much seen them all at one time or another but Age of Conan is looking fantastic, Ill definitely be subscribing at launch. Its never going to be a World of Warcraft beater but I think they acknowledge that and are aiming at a definite niche in the market. If they stick to that niche theyll do well I think.

Both they and Warhammer are going for a slightly different market, Many are cheesed off with the childish nature and less guild based or combat effecting the world based elements of wow now and with both these games being 18+ / mature they are after the more adult mmo player and the warhammer is defiantly going for the hardcore gamer.
Warhammer is heading to 1million beta applicants which will be more then wow had so the appeal is there but for me this looks to massive your real life would be effectivly over on that one.
Conan becuase of its real time combat can not have 4-5 hour raids, you would but your hands and is not designed that way so should be a good mature combat game with interesting and more fully featured guild based elements you can play with a little more time leway.

Hellgate: London
Reply #7 on: March 08, 2008, 10:27:19 AM
I am worried about warhammer, after the first dev fell over and died i didnt believe it was gonna see a release.

I think it will see a release now, but i think they are being too bold. Too much content can be a bad thing for a game in the early days. They need to get it released without many bugs so people can play it and then say what it needs. That is the way mmos work, blizzard are the prime example.

From what i have seen of AoC it looks amazing. Will have a see when i come out. I am self-declared WoW addict and it is going to take a HELL of a lot for something to knock me off it.

Hellgate: London sure as hell wasnt it.

Was fun running around london, just not fun enough

  • Offline neXus

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Hellgate: London
Reply #8 on: March 08, 2008, 11:20:06 AM
Quote from: Sweenster
I am worried about warhammer, after the first dev fell over and died i didnt believe it was gonna see a release.

I think it will see a release now, but i think they are being too bold. Too much content can be a bad thing for a game in the early days. They need to get it released without many bugs so people can play it and then say what it needs. That is the way mmos work, blizzard are the prime example.

From what i have seen of AoC it looks amazing. Will have a see when i come out. I am self-declared WoW addict and it is going to take a HELL of a lot for something to knock me off it.

Hellgate: London sure as hell wasnt it.

Was fun running around london, just not fun enough

You need to look into it mate, it is EA mythic, EA putting a lot of money and effort into it and its coming along with initial release delayed and a long beta, I wont play WAR but its not the game you think it is
Their blog vidoes etc are brilliant.

  • Offline zpyder

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Re:Hellgate: London
Reply #9 on: March 08, 2008, 13:06:07 PM
Just had a quick skim of Conan and WARs pages. To me the first thoughts are:

WAR = A play on WoW but bigging up the Good vs Bad combat more rather than WoWs Battleground type stuff
Conan = Online Oblivion?

Im mightily tempted by Conan, especially as it looks to be out around about when my last exam is! Finish uni and then sell my freshly reclaimed soul to a new MMORPG!

With any luck the graphics will be too much for my comp and so I wont be able to play it haha.

Hellgate: London
Reply #10 on: March 09, 2008, 16:04:01 PM
Yay, new problem with with HG:L

also has a memory leak...

will randomly without warning crash out saying memory is exhausted.

Amazingly buggy for a release game, would be tempted to get a refund if it wasnt a gift

  • Offline zpyder

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Re:Hellgate: London
Reply #11 on: March 09, 2008, 16:51:29 PM
Ohh, any idea on how the new fangled combat system in conan would work? I found the official website to be a bit of a pain to find out any specific info, and dont really have the time to go hunting for something like that when I *should* be working (but am cruising forums instead)...

  • Offline Quixoticish

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Re:Hellgate: London
Reply #12 on: March 09, 2008, 17:19:01 PM
Quote from: zpyder
Ohh, any idea on how the new fangled combat system in conan would work? I found the official website to be a bit of a pain to find out any specific info, and dont really have the time to go hunting for something like that when I *should* be working (but am cruising forums instead)...

These should answer all of your questions:

GameTrailers Misc Videos
- GDC 2008 - Character Creation Demonstration (HD Version)

- GDC 2008 - Dreamworld Engine Demo (HD)

- GDC 2008 - Forge Building Walkthrough (HD)

- GDC 2008 - Dungeon Crawl High Def - Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3

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