Author Topic: Web based FTP solution?  (Read 1218 times)

  • Offline zpyder

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Web based FTP solution?
on: July 29, 2008, 23:14:41 PM
Hi all
Just wondering if anyone has any suggestions on the following...

Basically I need a way of getting a relative computer novice access to a folder/directory on my website that is easily uploadable to and downloadable to. Any FTP software is pretty much out the question and I dont want to really resort to showing her how to get into cpanel and use the ftp manager in there.

Any suggestions? Any image galleries that could be converted to all file formats etc perhaps?

  • Offline neXus

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Re:Web based FTP solution?
Reply #1 on: July 29, 2008, 23:28:09 PM
fire ftp or like addon for firefox? set it up click connect done?

Web based FTP solution?
Reply #2 on: July 29, 2008, 23:29:54 PM
hwo big are the files ?

you can just drag and drop using internet explorer ;)

you cant resume downloads/uploads etc... but it works pretty well :)

  • Offline zpyder

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Re:Web based FTP solution?
Reply #3 on: July 30, 2008, 08:01:20 AM
Hmm. But do both these solutions not require some sort of config on the users computer? Ideally I just want to say to her "Go to this website, the username and password is .... files appear here, and you can upload stuff over there."

This is all basically to help with data compilation between myself and my boss if that helps.

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  • Offline Rivkid

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Re:Web based FTP solution?
Reply #4 on: July 30, 2008, 09:18:08 AM
Quote from: zpyder
Hmm. But do both these solutions not require some sort of config on the users computer? Ideally I just want to say to her "Go to this website, the username and password is .... files appear here, and you can upload stuff over there."

This is all basically to help with data compilation between myself and my boss if that helps.

Thats pretty much exactly what Knightys solution will give you. Just get her to put the ftp address into explorer or IE (explorer if she needs to upload too) and itll just pop up asking for username and password. No config needed. Use it for my ftp account all the time when Im on other peoples pcs.
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  • Offline zpyder

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Re:Web based FTP solution?
Reply #5 on: July 30, 2008, 14:42:33 PM
Im getting a little confused with it all right now hehe. Ive created a folder at Ive made a user that should only be able to access that folder via ftp, but when I type I get the prompt for username and pass, which is fine, but then it takes me to the root when I enter her details?

Anyone care to guide a noob through this?

Web based FTP solution?
Reply #6 on: July 30, 2008, 23:32:44 PM
her account is set up incorrectly.

Failing that why not just use something like Skydrive!?

Shove stuff in a shared folder, whack in her email address to allow her access. Sorted.

Web based FTP solution?
Reply #7 on: August 03, 2008, 02:01:06 AM

  • Offline zpyder

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Re:Web based FTP solution?
Reply #8 on: August 03, 2008, 21:32:50 PM
Skydrive seemed great, until just now, when it turns out that I can upload stuff fine, but trying to view or download files seems to break....

getdropbox, looks promising apart from the installing of gubbins on the computer. Bearing in mind that this is my boss/ex-lecturer, I want to try and sort something out with a minimum of installing things on her laptop. One of the primary reasons Im emplyed by her at the mo is because I know how to use computers beyond word!

What other skydrive/dropbox options are there out there?

  • Offline zpyder

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Re:Web based FTP solution?
Reply #9 on: August 03, 2008, 22:00:36 PM
Hmm, its working now. Seems that if you have 2 accounts linked via a passport, it has a hissy fit. The second I added my other account as an editor to the folder in question everything worked!

Web based FTP solution?
Reply #10 on: August 04, 2008, 11:23:19 AM
You dont have to use the software.  You get a web interface too.  If you want an invite to check it out, let me know.  You get 10 invites of your own.

  • Offline skidzilla

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Web based FTP solution?
Reply #11 on: August 04, 2008, 12:18:01 PM
Too late to this thread, but I wouldve suggested a simple PHP upload/file browser script.

There are lots more on . :)

Web based FTP solution?
Reply #12 on: August 05, 2008, 19:50:31 PM
Quote from: skidzilla
Too late to this thread, but I wouldve suggested a simple PHP upload/file browser script.

There are lots more on . :)

Problem is that this sooo gets abused, and the limit on php.ini of 30 seconds processing and the file size can also create more issues.

Skydrive/dropbox stuff works out of the box.

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