Author Topic: Dragonforce at Cardiff Uni  (Read 715 times)

Dragonforce at Cardiff Uni
on: December 05, 2006, 00:29:41 AM
Yay... just seen them for the 2nd time this year.

4/5 Great performance, but little too much banter, not enough insane shredding guitar :) Also for a 14yrs plus concert, a wee few too many occurances of the words "see you next tuesday", FCUK, and references to drug taking.

The crowd due to the youngness of them were in fact crap, when dragonforce stopped singing to hear us singing, there were about 3 of us singing it. They were only interested in beating the sh*t out of each other in death circles.

Heard one say "oh wow!!! last that remains rocked!!! but firewind and dragonforce are crap". Last that remains is basically slipknot ripoff without any talent except one lead guitarist who belongs in dragonforce or firewind more than that "band".

Support bands... as mentioned above, firewind was absolutely amazing, got the crowd going, and the music was great! it was very very similar to watching iron maiden play live. The lead singer sounded exactly like bruce. Certainly on my "too buy" list.

Last that remains was crap... noise, distortion, and just power chords, accompanied by an overly long and repetative solo by one of their guitarists.

Verse Chorus Verse Chorus SOOOOOOOOOOLLLOOOOOOOO verse chorus end.

Every song followed that format.

Dragonforce themselves just blew the crowd away, considering that the crowd was incredibly sh*t, they did amazing. As a result my right arm hurts from being flung in the air so much, my legs are killing me from jumping to the instructions of Sam, and I have no voice from screaming "Hey" at the top of my lungs again... under dragonforce instructions.

For some reason there were 3 girls brought on twice during the show, holding signs saying "tits out", but no idea why they were on stage, they ended up getting booed off both times. Rather random, and we were quite happy without them on stage. They werent even remotely decent looking.

But yea! :) I can hear nothing, my neck hurts, my legs hurt, my arm hurts. Sign of a brilliant night :D

  • Offline Thrawn

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Re:Dragonforce at Cardiff Uni
Reply #1 on: December 05, 2006, 02:52:14 AM
Nice one.

Me and you are possibly the only two D-force fans on here (but maybe not as I recall it was another member on here who first introduced me to them by posting a link to Valley of The Damned on something like

I saw them last year at the Astoria in London and they were bloody brilliant, it was pretty much the last gig of a massive tour and it was a homecoming gig as they are london boys. Insane keyboard solo was one of the highlights (though Im a guitar nut myself). The one thing that got me wa how good the solos were live. I had seen some crappy quality videos of them playing live and the solos sounded terrible compared to the studio versions, but it must just have been the recording quality as they were pitch perfect or even better in person.

Oh and on a side note Ive played on the same stage as one of their first gigs, albeit our crappy union one :D

  • Offline Quixoticish

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Re:Dragonforce at Cardiff Uni
Reply #2 on: December 05, 2006, 10:26:21 AM
I loved Valley of the Damned, but every release since has been a total letdown. After seeing them live once they were so up their own arses, it wasnt really an enjoyable experience.

So an ex fan, you might say.

Dragonforce at Cardiff Uni
Reply #3 on: December 05, 2006, 11:17:37 AM
lol my mate said something about seen them once, seen them a hundred times.

Though the concert was definately enjoyable, I went to this one mainly as moral support for my mate whos never gone to a rock/metal concert before and had no idea what to expect. :) Within the first 5 minutes we ended up slap bang in the middle of a death circle without intending to be. We were in that "middle front" bit.. that well I thought "hmm... its gonna get gnarly here" and blammo.. I get a fist in my face by some half naked 14yr old twat whos going doolally in the pit.

Glad I went but yeah would like to see Edguy or another band from the same genre next time, and Firewind definately left an impression :) Amazing live, somehow their recorded tracks dont sound as good! :D lol. So would like to see a full set of them too.

Plus the Keytarrr!!! :) and the now 4 man guitar/keytar playing during valley of the damned was a definate bonus to see again :) Last time I saw that trick it was just the bassist, and the two leads. This time keyboard man got involved :) was a good show.

  • Offline Rob

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Re:Dragonforce at Cardiff Uni
Reply #4 on: December 05, 2006, 20:38:53 PM
Seen them loads of times. Only time that Id say was good the first one I went to when they played the Underworld and even that wasnt great. Every other time Ive seen them Ive come away feeling disappointed. Saying that, Im still going to see them again at the Astoria on the 14th.

I did enjoy Valley when it came out. Not so keen on the others though and Ive gone off Valley now too :P

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