Author Topic: web site development...  (Read 2113 times)

  • Offline madmax

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web site development...
on: April 06, 2006, 11:03:55 AM
any advice?

its new territory to me and the only tool ive got here atm is frontpage 2000 (erk, burn it etc)

ive played with it to get a front end to the web page based outlook running off the exchange server internally (cant even remember its proper name its that long ago) but i do remember looking at all the unneccesery bumpf it puts in there in html and thinking "this aint right"

any advice for a newbie then  :-)

either that or point me at some web design firms in the midlands,

Re:web site development...
Reply #1 on: April 06, 2006, 12:35:02 PM
If it was a quick site that needed making.

Id go for the classic Dreamweaver + oswd combo.


Download a template from the above place (they are royalty free, and available for business use also).

Load it into dreamweaver and hack and slash it to suit. is one I nicked from there then just hacked and slashed to make up a mock up presentation for a group project. :D

Well nice designs, and well easy to just hack and slash as they all match w3c standards in coding.

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  • Offline Clock'd 0Ne

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Re:web site development...
Reply #2 on: April 06, 2006, 14:04:08 PM
Rather than trusting some software I think you are better off learning it yourself if you are serious about it. You get a lot more freedom to do what you want too.

Re:web site development...
Reply #3 on: April 06, 2006, 14:14:01 PM
Quote from: Clockd 0Ne
Rather than trusting some software I think you are better off learning it yourself if you are serious about it. You get a lot more freedom to do what you want too.

I used to be of the same opinion, that notepad or a notepad clone with syntax highlighting was the only way to go. However for speed a development suite is the way to go.

Like java, I could code a gui in textpad but it would take about 10 minutes. But if I use netbeans I can code that gui in less than 5 seconds, then just have to worry about the functionality.

Use of an IDE doesnt mean you dont learn "properly" or you dont have freedom. If it does its your own fault, and your using it incorrectly.

When I say use dreamweaver I mean use it, not just shove it on design preview and drag pretty things around on the screen. I normally have it in the "split" configuration, allowing me to position things using drag and drop, then write code of my own to augment it.

As for the template site recommendation, unless your a graphics designer at heart or have artistic flair I always find websites are crap. For prettyness let someone else do the job, its what would happen in a full blown design organisation, so I think its good enough for small time faffing.

So yeah, if you really fancy using code only methods (when most of us when using those methods have internet explorer fired up in another window constantly refreshing to check the design. Use something like TextPad (google is ya friend). If you want to use something that will enable you to embrace both aspects of design, use dreamweaver.

  • Offline madmax

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Re:web site development...
Reply #4 on: April 06, 2006, 22:41:16 PM
btw dont worry, im not afraid to get dirty in source, but i need to learn the syntax first and how stuff works.

itll be good to start off on a wysiwyg designer tbh and switch between code and previews.

thanks for the OSWD link btw, should get me started well even if i end up handing it off to a design team.

  • Offline cornet

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web site development...
Reply #5 on: April 07, 2006, 00:16:19 AM
Ive been through the learning process many times for different languages.

I have always found it best to start with the absolute basics. Learning the underlying concepts and basic syntax.

This is especially important with web design as Ive come across so many people that have no real understanding of how html works and so get very frustrated when they cant do what they want.

Once you are happy with the basics and know, at least theoretically, how to create your layout ... then move to some sort of IDE/wysiwyg interface. if you so wish.

Personally I still code everything by hand because I want it to be maintainable in the future, and I like to reuse code where ever possible.


Re:web site development...
Reply #6 on: April 07, 2006, 00:19:25 AM
lol cornet.

See I used to be of the same opinion. Things coded in wysiwyg = messy unmaintainable code.

It doesnt have to be that way. Providing your capable of sorting out the wheat from the chaff, code can be clear, understandable, and perfectly maintainable in and out of the IDE. :)

You just need to understand that wysiwyg design suites are not point and click affairs, and you do need to get into the code from time to time.

I can safely say that the site I linked to above.. took me 6 hours to make. If I had tried doing the same in textpad I would not have finished before the deadline.

  • Offline madmax

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Re:web site development...
Reply #7 on: April 12, 2006, 16:54:00 PM
ive stumbled across

this and it looks pretty good so far.

got most of the different tags explained and im actually reading it a little bit better now,

roll on the advanced CSS guide and how to sort out layout (which has had me stumped for a while)

  • Offline skidzilla

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Re:web site development...
Reply #8 on: April 12, 2006, 18:04:26 PM
Take a look at this extension for firefox, makes debugging easy. :)

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