Author Topic: You gotta love friendly BT Engineers!  (Read 807 times)

You gotta love friendly BT Engineers!
on: August 31, 2010, 12:18:13 PM
My line has been up and down like a whores undercrackers.
This has been repeatedly reported to O2, and their best efforts to try and resolve it, but the problem with intermittent problems is that they are intermittent.

After two weeks of problems, being moved to a 15db Snr, and unholy noises on the line when the broadband is on, I get a broadband engineer.

He monkeys around in the exchange, putting me on a shorter cable, manages to drop my loop loss from 63 to 48.

Then he comes to my house and changes my faceplate to an NTE2000.

Even on a 15db line, I was getting 2mb.  Back down to 6db I get 3.2mb.
Cant wait to get my Netgear back so I can tweak the stats.  I reckon I can get nearly 5 and break the 1mb upload :D

  • Offline Tek_Ed

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Re:You gotta love friendly BT Engineers!
Reply #1 on: August 31, 2010, 15:03:23 PM
Got my BT engineer visiting next week to set up my home internet. Best they can provide is 4.5 meg, but i have been told BT are the best, when it comes to contention ratios...

Out of interest (I am not in any way clued up about telecomms), does the better contention ratio being better justify a few extra quids on a 4.5 meg connection?

o2 would have been my 2nd choice...

Re:You gotta love friendly BT Engineers!
Reply #2 on: August 31, 2010, 17:34:27 PM
Yeah.  Contention ratios is essentially how many people are fighting over the bandwidth.

As Broadband is sold on the basis that not everybody will be using 100% of the bandwidth, 100% of the time, they oversell it.  Thats the contention.  20:1, 50:1, 1:1 etc.

  • Offline zpyder

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Re:You gotta love friendly BT Engineers!
Reply #3 on: August 31, 2010, 18:02:22 PM
Next time I look up what our max speed is and see its only 8mbps Ill stop and be glad that I actually get near to 7 of those 8mbps.

Re:You gotta love friendly BT Engineers!
Reply #4 on: August 31, 2010, 19:32:25 PM
The actual max speed you can get though ADSL is ~7.2 Mbps, due to overheads.  Much in the same way that you can get a max of ~22Mbps on ADSL2, not the advertised 24,

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