Author Topic: Age of Conan  (Read 1427 times)

  • Offline zpyder

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Age of Conan
on: April 25, 2008, 14:45:45 PM
Didnt seem to be a thread on this, though I know its been covered/mentioned in other threads...

Anyway, just curious what people think the likelyhoods are that AoC will be out on release date. Im sure when I pre-ordered it a month or two ago on Play,it was due for release like on the 20th of May. Having just checked its now the 23rd?

Not complaining, as it means my exams will be out of the way before the game arrives hehe

Seeing as I should hopefully be FREE after the 21st, I think Im going to add to my list of things to do "Do an all-nighter" and play conan through the night. Its something I have yet to do...forgoing sleep for 24 hours, should be interesting  :rock:

  • Offline Quixoticish

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Re:Age of Conan
Reply #1 on: April 25, 2008, 14:48:18 PM
Itll 100% be out on release date. The problem with the 20th/23rd discrepancy is some places were offering a three day headstart, others werent, and Eidos dropped the ball a little and messed a lot of retailers around.

By the way, dont base your impression of the game until you at least hit level 30. The level 1-20 portion of the game until you leave the newbie isle doesnt reflect how the later stages of the game play.

  • Offline neXus

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Re:Age of Conan
Reply #2 on: April 25, 2008, 15:00:00 PM
Bit pricey though

  • Offline zpyder

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Re:Age of Conan
Reply #3 on: April 25, 2008, 15:42:22 PM
Care to elaborate on the difference between 1-20 gameplay and beyond?

I was figuring it would be like LOTR:Online, where the first 5 levels or so see you in a Noob-instance doing some pretty basic fetch/kill/goto quests to get you used to the controls and mechanics?

Meh, only just found out about the ~£10.50 monthly fees. Was figuring itd be more inline with other fees that were around £7.99 or so. What do you guys think the liklihoods are of the fees ever being reduced?

Admittedly though, the £2.50 difference in cost is what, £30 a year between games. And if AoC is as good as the hype reckons, youd be saving money by not buying other games heh. Will have to wait and see what the 30 days free show me of the game.

  • Offline Quixoticish

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Re:Age of Conan
Reply #4 on: April 25, 2008, 19:10:20 PM
Quote from: zpyder
Care to elaborate on the difference between 1-20 gameplay and beyond?

I was figuring it would be like LOTR:Online, where the first 5 levels or so see you in a Noob-instance doing some pretty basic fetch/kill/goto quests to get you used to the controls and mechanics?

Meh, only just found out about the ~£10.50 monthly fees. Was figuring itd be more inline with other fees that were around £7.99 or so. What do you guys think the liklihoods are of the fees ever being reduced?

Admittedly though, the £2.50 difference in cost is what, £30 a year between games. And if AoC is as good as the hype reckons, youd be saving money by not buying other games heh. Will have to wait and see what the 30 days free show me of the game.

£10.50 to be honest is quite cheap. Back in the day when the dollar wasnt as weak against the pound and when you lump on VAT and other assorted nasties it used to be nearer £15.00 a month. I class £10.00 a month as a fairly cheap MMO, but then a lot has changed in the past few years with this kind of game I suppose.

Level 1-5ish are the "newbie" bit like Lord of the Rings online. You are washed up on a beach and have to fight your way through 100% solo to the town of Tortage. Tortage lasts from 5-20 and is split into two areas, the "daytime" area where you do traditional MMO type group quests and the "nighttime" solo area (you swap between the two by speaking to a barmaid at the local inn) where you pursue your destiny quest to find out more about your past. Eventually at level 19/20 you beat the bad guy/get the girl etc etc and leave Tortage for the proper world and this is where Age of Conan begins. Tortage should always be treated as a gentle shoe in to the game, it feels very restricted and confined like World of Warcraft at times with paths directing you exactly where to go and no real way to get lost or explore. This is deliberate to facilitate the storyline, once you leave Tortage the world really opens up with lots of epic cities, wide open spaces and explorable areas with a true dynamic day/night cycle.

  • Offline zpyder

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Re:Age of Conan
Reply #5 on: April 25, 2008, 20:01:50 PM
Heh, sounds interesting :D

Cheers for the run down. At least I have something to look forward to mixed in with all the dread Im getting at the mo with exams :(

  • Offline neXus

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Re:Age of Conan
Reply #6 on: April 25, 2008, 23:34:32 PM
what he did not say is basically its offline, you do not see anyone else from 1-20 unless you choose to, you can choose to do it offline or online

  • Offline zpyder

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Re:Age of Conan
Reply #7 on: April 26, 2008, 10:07:06 AM
Meh, suits me. Ive tended to be a solo player in the past anyway. Am hoping that I can get more into an MMORPG this time as I wont have to balance between that and assignments etc :)

  • Offline neXus

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Re:Age of Conan
Reply #8 on: April 26, 2008, 10:14:28 AM
Quote from: zpyder
Meh, suits me. Ive tended to be a solo player in the past anyway. Am hoping that I can get more into an MMORPG this time as I wont have to balance between that and assignments etc :)

It is only the start though, Later it is be in a guild or do not see the content

  • Offline zpyder

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Re:Age of Conan
Reply #9 on: April 26, 2008, 10:20:06 AM
Thats fine. Hopefully if the game is more guild orientated later on itll encourage more cooperation. My tendency of solo playing in WoW and LOTR:O came about from being in annoying guilds where there were normally only one or two other players willing to do a quest at any one time.

I am actually looking forward to the whole resource/making part of AoC in terms of helping put together the guild hall/keep etc. Profession wise I usually end up being a resource gatherer so at least then Id be able to see my time put to use...

My main concern is whether to go PVP or PVE. It depends on the mechanics in PVE and how much conflict with other players is involved. There wasnt enough in LOTR:O as the whole mechanism of being stuck in an evil area as an evil charatcer just seemed rushed/bolted on. If AoC allows for you to quest without too much ganking, but attack "enemy" guilds, thats good enough for me :D

  • Offline Quixoticish

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Re:Age of Conan
Reply #10 on: April 26, 2008, 10:29:07 AM
what he did not say is basically its offline, you do not see anyone else from 1-20 unless you choose to, you can choose to do it offline or online

That Im afraid is utter cobblers.

You wont see anyone from 1-5ish while you work your way from the beach to Tortage. You also wont see anyone in Tortage at night mode as its your single player destiny quest. However you spent the vast majority of your time in Tortage in day mode where there are hundreds of other players all running around. You are in no way, shape or form supposed to spend all of your time in night mode, I recommend either leaving night mode and your destiny quest until you hit 19 or doing the odd mission until it gets too hard, then switching back to day mode to gain another five or so levels before swapping back.

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