Author Topic: aaaah! stupid bleeding flipping useless fecking hard drive!  (Read 1684 times)

hello lovely people :)

I recently bought a maxtor 300GB hard drive for backing up, storage, music etc.  

However, the stupid thing is useless, my computer now randomly reboots, crashes or doesnt boot at all.

I havent been able to use my ipod at all because it doesnt stay on long enough for it to copy the music on to it!

So, my old hard drive, was a 20GB maxtor.  Im thinking, if I put the OS on that and also leave in the 300GB one I can just access it for storage (as intended), and if the OS is on the 20GB one I wont experience these problems any more? Am I right ?

aaaah! stupid bleeding flipping useless fecking hard drive!
Reply #1 on: August 10, 2006, 11:36:16 AM
Quote from: wizbit ©
hello lovely people :)

I recently bought a maxtor 300GB hard drive for backing up, storage, music etc.  

However, the stupid thing is useless, my computer now randomly reboots, crashes or doesnt boot at all.

I havent been able to use my ipod at all because it doesnt stay on long enough for it to copy the music on to it!

So, my old hard drive, was a 20GB maxtor.  Im thinking, if I put the OS on that and also leave in the 300GB one I can just access it for storage (as intended), and if the OS is on the 20GB one I wont experience these problems any more? Am I right ?

hang on a minute angel face... i have a question or maybe its more of a suggestion...

Youve got a 300GB HDD in there, MAYBE your PSU cant power the HDD? :dunno: and thats why its rebooting, seems plausible...

In that case, sticking the 20GB drive in and then using the 300GB drive as a slave wouldnt work?

*scratches stubble quizzically*

EDIT: i assume when you remove the 300gigger, the computer works ok?

  • Offline Cypher

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Re:aaaah! stupid bleeding flipping useless fecking hard drive!
Reply #2 on: August 10, 2006, 12:16:10 PM
It does indeed sound like a power problem.  My old PSU got to the point where sometimes I could only boot properly by disconnecting a CD-rom drive or something.

aaaah! stupid bleeding flipping useless fecking hard drive!
Reply #3 on: August 10, 2006, 14:56:54 PM
i approve of the solution

aaaah! stupid bleeding flipping useless fecking hard drive!
Reply #4 on: August 10, 2006, 15:07:37 PM
Quote from: red
i approve of the solution

*high five*

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Re:aaaah! stupid bleeding flipping useless fecking hard drive!
Reply #6 on: August 10, 2006, 15:28:23 PM
Right, I shall go and get myself a mega hyper mickey kwok royale PSU and if it works then I shall declare you all as saviours of the universe.


aaaah! stupid bleeding flipping useless fecking hard drive!
Reply #7 on: August 10, 2006, 20:07:31 PM
ditto on the power thing ;)

for a test you could always try unplugging some non-essential stuff ? CD drive, fans etc... and see if that sorts it ;)

Re:aaaah! stupid bleeding flipping useless fecking hard drive!
Reply #8 on: August 11, 2006, 12:04:37 PM
cool i did check the cpu and hard drive temps and they are all ok, and if i take out my ipod its ok so i shall order one of teks finest 500w psus right now :)

  • Offline bear

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aaaah! stupid bleeding flipping useless fecking hard drive!
Reply #9 on: August 11, 2006, 12:20:13 PM
iPod ? they do not take much power do they ? Could it be an iPod or iPod software problem which did not get updated at the HDD switch ?

aaaah! stupid bleeding flipping useless fecking hard drive!
Reply #10 on: August 11, 2006, 13:12:51 PM
Quote from: bear
iPod ? they do not take much power do they ??

about as much as USB can give it... so your looking at a maximum of 5 or so volts there

Re:aaaah! stupid bleeding flipping useless fecking hard drive!
Reply #11 on: August 11, 2006, 15:00:33 PM
volts mean toss all in this case, you need to look at watts.  I think USB can supply a max of 500mA or something?  So probably 2.5W maximum.  Could make all the difference I guess :S

Id do what someone suggested further up and unplug as many non-essential things as possible (CD drives, floppy etc), leave the ipod in and see if its still a problem.

  • Offline bear

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Re:aaaah! stupid bleeding flipping useless fecking hard drive!
Reply #12 on: August 11, 2006, 18:02:57 PM
Quote from: funkychicken9000
volts mean toss all in this case, you need to look at watts.  I think USB can supply a max of 500mA or something?  So probably 2.5W maximum.  Could make all the difference I guess :S

Id do what someone suggested further up and unplug as many non-essential things as possible (CD drives, floppy etc), leave the ipod in and see if its still a problem.

Good idea that would determin if it is iPod or psu, 2.5 watt is not much really
and should not make much of a difference.

Re:aaaah! stupid bleeding flipping useless fecking hard drive!
Reply #13 on: August 14, 2006, 17:10:09 PM
well - new 500W PSU fitted and I still have a problem :(

Its not just when the ipod is plugged in either.

Any other ideas?

aaaah! stupid bleeding flipping useless fecking hard drive!
Reply #14 on: August 14, 2006, 17:34:58 PM
tried a differant cable? new BIOS flash?

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