Author Topic: The Hurt Locker (and other stuff)  (Read 510 times)

  • Offline neXus

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The Hurt Locker (and other stuff)
on: April 16, 2009, 12:10:46 PM
if I had time I would do my movie thread but just do not at the moment :(

My Tip for a surprise hit and one I think most will like here

On another note - fast and furious is getting good feedback, it has no depth and not a great movie in the sense of script and story etc but as an action movie people are enjoying it for what it is.
Star Trek is doing amazingly well. So easily could have been a massive flop but fans, newbies and critics are giving it praise. It has issues of setting the scene of a rejuvenation of an existing IP and setting new actors in existing roles etc but overall they seem to have nailed it. Looking forward to seeing it.

Terminator 4:
This has to be good, it looks good, its style looks amazing, the story looks amazing and is 1 of 3 - OOOOOH YEAH!
So looking forward to this one.


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