Author Topic: Immoral?!  (Read 2323 times)

  • Offline Jaimz

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on: September 11, 2006, 02:44:15 AM
At a pelican crossing yesterday afternoon the traffic light had gone to red. I could see the green man and the crossing was beeping it was safe to cross. I walk across and glance left to see a cyclist flying along the inside of stationary traffic paying little attention and clearly about to come flying across my path through a red light, so I give the guy a push on the side of the torse as he cuts across my path inches away (the lights are still deeping at this point) causing him to lose his blanace, fall off his bike and go rolling down the road just as the lights go to red/amber and onto green.

He picked himself up and took a look with an eye I reckon to coming and thumping be but obviouly thought better of it (those of you who know me know Im not a small lad) as I shouted at him quite clearly that "red lights apply to wankers on bikes too". Got a clap from a couple of surrounding pedestrians (quite a busy crossing in Brum town centre) and carried on my way.

I dont feel it was at all unjustified, and pricks like him ought not to be allowed to ride a bicycle. Was just pondering what you cycling buffs think about obeying traffic signals and the like?!

Jaimz :rock:

Reply #1 on: September 11, 2006, 04:44:32 AM
I dont think assault is justified. Tbh, the guy could probably have had a handy lawsuit against you had he suffered serious injury. Mind, I wont cry any crocodile tears for the jerk. Next time, just block his path and give a good verbal thrashing.

I roll through stop signs at a walking clip unless somebody else has the right of way, and I run red lights after a stop if things are clear, as the lights around here have sensors for cars, not bikes. Its quite legal actually, for push bikes and motorbikes, in my town.

Basically, Im not against breaking a few laws, as long as you never take the right of way when it isnt yours, ride on the proper side of the street, dont ride on pedestrian-only walkways and the like.

Reply #2 on: September 11, 2006, 07:51:39 AM
Quote from: maximusotter
I dont think assault is justified. Tbh, the guy could probably have had a handy lawsuit against you had he suffered serious injury. Mind, I wont cry any crocodile tears for the jerk. Next time, just block his path and give a good verbal thrashing.
I roll through stop signs at a walking clip unless somebody else has the right of way, and I run red lights after a stop if things are clear, as the lights around here have sensors for cars, not bikes. Its quite legal actually, for push bikes and motorbikes, in my town.
Basically, Im not against breaking a few laws, as long as you never take the right of way when it isnt yours, ride on the proper side of the street, dont ride on pedestrian-only walkways and the like.

so your happy to bend a few laws when your on a bike because you know better...

but anyone who speeds is some sort of Nazi just waiting to run over a small child ?

  • Offline SteveF

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Reply #3 on: September 11, 2006, 10:04:49 AM
tbh youre right but shouldnt have pushed him...

  • Offline BigSoy

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Reply #4 on: September 11, 2006, 10:32:45 AM
Right Opinion, Wrong Action probably.

Couldve killed himself and youd probably be looking at some porridge for manslaugter.
"Within your 'purview'? Where do you think you are, some f**king regency costume drama? This is a government department, not some f**king Jane f**king Austen novel!"

Reply #5 on: September 11, 2006, 16:11:15 PM
Quote from: knighty

so your happy to bend a few laws when your on a bike because you know better...

but anyone who speeds is some sort of Nazi just waiting to run over a small child ?

WTF are you going on about? I can legally run a red light in this city after a stop on my bike and rolling through a stop sign at 2mph after checking for clear isnt much of a crime either as most cars roll through anyway. Dont speed on the bike either. And whats this with the nazi BS? I rarely speed in the car or on the bicycle, and if I do its during interstate travel where small children arent on the motorway. Whats the agenda behind your bizarre post?

Reply #6 on: September 11, 2006, 16:14:24 PM
Quote from: maximusotter
I dont think assault is justified. Tbh, the guy could probably have had a handy lawsuit against you had he suffered serious injury. Mind, I wont cry any crocodile tears for the jerk. Next time, just block his path and give a good verbal thrashing.

I roll through stop signs at a walking clip unless somebody else has the right of way, and I run red lights after a stop if things are clear, as the lights around here have sensors for cars, not bikes. Its quite legal actually, for push bikes and motorbikes, in my town.

Basically, Im not against breaking a few laws, as long as you never take the right of way when it isnt yours, ride on the proper side of the street, dont ride on pedestrian-only walkways and the like.

pretty much my philosophy too....

Reply #7 on: September 11, 2006, 16:32:44 PM
Dont think youd have had a problem even if he was injured, you were crossing and he came through the red light. It would have been his word against your that you ment to hit him when you put your hand out in case he hit you. ;)

For the record though I actively cycle round town and dont cross red lights regardless of their nature (ped crossing, trffic or other). Theres a crossing near me which is at the bottom of a hill and Ive yet to see a single cyclist stop for it on red unless I walk right out in front of them.

Reply #8 on: September 11, 2006, 17:26:14 PM
Im with porch monkey. He went through a red light and collided with a pedestrian, the fault is squarely on the cyclists shoulders.

I stop at every red light, even ones with sensors after learning that you can set them off if you stay on the wire for about 10 seconds. (May require stopping a little short of the solid white line, if a car comes along, roll forward, and let the car set the sensor off).

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