Author Topic: New toy (well, not really a toy)  (Read 1946 times)

New toy (well, not really a toy)
on: May 18, 2006, 20:19:36 PM
New tool would be a better title, but it sounds more boring that way :P

I always found it very frustrating to clean my bike, so I have (eventually) forked out for something thatll make it a whole lot easier.

Got it from, they do an unbranded sort of one, but this was only £10 more (a somewhat scary £79.99) and its a widely trusted brand, so anyway.. pics :D

Its pretty high quality all over, id say - and very heavy. It certainly wont fall over in a hurry.

Minor gripe:

Ill have to take the saddle bag off, move my saddle up, before hanging it on there and then down again and put the saddle bag back on (or ditch that, and find another way of storing inner-tube, levers etc) as unfortunately the height I have my saddle leaves less post than the length of the clasp :(

it fits in there without moving the saddle up, and holds the bike well enough (albeit at a slight angle) but I dunno if I *fully* trust it with my racer if I was actually working on it due to the scary materials its made from :? admittedly the seat-post on mine is metal, so I could always just wind the torque right up without worry!!

Anyway.. one Park Tools addict coming right up..  what do I order next, that blue is too cool :lol:

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Re:New toy (well, not really a toy)
Reply #1 on: May 18, 2006, 20:31:19 PM
I just put a couple of hooks into the wall, holds the bike for work and cleaning with a pressure hose, cost a quid [smug git look]

New toy (well, not really a toy)
Reply #3 on: May 18, 2006, 20:39:59 PM
Park stuff is good indeed, but if I was riding a plastic bike where I had to adjust the seatpost each time I wanted to clamp up the bike, I personally would have made a smarter choice:

Theres the Topeak Flashstand, small enough to fit in your hydration pack:

And theres the Minura home work stand that uses a carbon friendly holding method:

The Minuras only 1/4 the price of a Park stand, and quite a pleasure to use, though it does require a quick removal of the front wheel.

Re:New toy (well, not really a toy)
Reply #4 on: May 22, 2006, 14:56:47 PM
You are seriously one flash harry :o, did you really need to spend £89 on that?! in reality, how much work are you going to be doing on a bike to require one of those? ive ridden bikes for over 15 years and at no point have i ever thought, "i could do with a bike stand...", money to burn!

New toy (well, not really a toy)
Reply #5 on: May 22, 2006, 15:12:43 PM
makes me feel better about blowing £40 on an engine stand lol

Re:New toy (well, not really a toy)
Reply #6 on: May 22, 2006, 21:57:27 PM
money to burn? hardly.. I consider it to be well expensive for a bike stand really..  just about the cheapest one I could find. There was a £70 one instead, but for £10 more I figured the brand-name was worth it :lol:

I couldnt stand leaning it against a wall or things like that, its a real pain in the ass... so stand it had to be :p

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