Author Topic: F*CKING TAXI DRIVERS!  (Read 1231 times)

on: February 01, 2008, 21:53:54 PM
Just had a bit of a confrontation with a Taxi driver.
You know the sort, no driving licence, fresh off the boat.

Three cars behind me, hes coming the other way, my right of way and expects me and three other cars to move for him.
f**k no.  Even with my bullbars resting against his bonnet he sat and looked smug.  Heres me wishing I had my recovery straps in the car.  See what he does when a 2 Tonne delica decides it wants to shift his car.
He eventually went back a bit and made room.  Complete cock.  Got a good mind to not stop for taxis ever.  Smash.

Reply #1 on: February 01, 2008, 23:35:25 PM
bloody taxi drivers are all the same :(

at least some are decent enough to have a bit of chat/banter with when youre getting a lift home half cut.... the rest are just knobs 24/7 :(

Reply #2 on: February 01, 2008, 23:55:59 PM
Agreed and Agreed. I had a bit of a run in tonight with one, who thought the road was nobody but his own! Holding up a one way street on a hill for a good 5minutes with me screaming! I have no hand break you fcking knob jockey!

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Reply #3 on: February 02, 2008, 01:41:21 AM
Well not all Taxi drivers are bad, I drove for 4 years in Berkely, Oakland and SF for a laid back potsmooking hippie cab company called Taxi Unlimited :) There was Yellow cab, Luxury cab, Arrow cab and some I forgot the name of in the area and we had the lowest accident count of all, during the fours years I worked we had two fender benders with no people hurt. The annoying drivers at that time was mostly Caddilac drivers who really thought they owned the streets and could park in the most stupid places blocking traffic etc.

Reply #4 on: February 02, 2008, 09:05:35 AM
my mate is a Taxi driver, he earns sh*t loads, hes not rude but admits at the taxi ranks, some drivers are very rude,
I remember the school runs were hectic, everyday I would do battle.

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Reply #5 on: February 03, 2008, 13:58:30 PM
yeah, the private hire drivers are cockends in general.  They tend to be clueless f****s to a man.  That said, the trip from the Airport to the centre of Kracow yesterday morning was almost as good as a rollercoaster.   If you like GTA3 you would have loved this guy.  He was slamming his foot to the floor in an E240, and Ive driven them so I know how quick they can be.  Where I live we also have a railway bridge that the road goes under.  Ive been almost all the way through and had a taxi driver try to make me go back, and its pretty regular to have arseholes try and make you back up there.  Ive got out of the car and lit a cig up before now.  

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Reply #6 on: February 03, 2008, 15:27:53 PM
A few days ago a taxi driver stopped a bloke driving the wrong way up a one way street - bus and taxis only - and gave him a right earful. Its clearly marked with two no entry signs but they still try it.

Most of them around here are really pleasant, havent met a nasty one yet.

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