Author Topic: Knee Pain  (Read 2056 times)

  • Offline SteveF

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Knee Pain
on: February 20, 2008, 09:50:53 AM
Im fairly active with weight 3 times a week, rock climbing and mountain biking 1 day a week.

Ive started throwing in 5 hour/50 mile cross country runs on my bike on alternating Sundays (2 so far) instead of downhill and Im getting pain in my left knee towards the end of rides (3 hours+) which lasts for a couple of days after.  The pain is at the top of the knee cap as if its a rope going under the knee cap (tendon?).  Its not debilitating pain just sore but I dont want to push the weights on squats/leg presses at the gym while its sore which is not ideal.  Ive had a dig around the web and a lot of it seems to say its probably my riding position/seat height, etc.  The bit I dont get is my right leg is totally fine if it was the seat height...  I guess my legs might be different lengths or something but looking for ideas of what it may be.

Anyone had much knee pain from cycling that sounds like this?

Likely to go away as I get used to longer routes or is this most likely a poor bike setup for my body?

  • Offline bear

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Knee Pain
Reply #1 on: February 20, 2008, 10:37:43 AM
IIRC from older bike threads it is well worth trying to adjust
your riding position and regular old fashion aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) can help.

Re:Knee Pain
Reply #2 on: February 20, 2008, 10:37:59 AM
either got somthing floating around, or somthing crystalising that causing the sore.. Do you enjoy fine cheeses & port? it could be gout/pseudo-gout -D

it could be number of things

  • Offline Serious

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Knee Pain
Reply #3 on: February 20, 2008, 18:05:40 PM
Quote from: SteveF
The pain is at the top of the knee cap as if its a rope going under the knee cap (tendon?).  Its not debilitating pain just sore but I dont want to push the weights on squats/leg presses at the gym while its sore which is not ideal.  Ive had a dig around the web and a lot of it seems to say its probably my riding position/seat height, etc.  The bit I dont get is my right leg is totally fine if it was the seat height...  I guess my legs might be different lengths or something but looking for ideas of what it may be.

Anyone had much knee pain from cycling that sounds like this?

Likely to go away as I get used to longer routes or is this most likely a poor bike setup for my body?

It might just be your seat height, make sure its right for you, especially not too low.

It could also be that you are overdoing things a little and should rein back a tiny bit. Stress injuries can be nasty.

There is also the possibility of a minor arthritis/tendon condition, which should improve by lessening the strain on it temporarily.

Remember your body only repairs itself at a certain rate, while it can get better at doing this, and improve the structure of your joints, it needs time.

Knee Pain
Reply #4 on: February 20, 2008, 21:01:51 PM

I hope for your sake its not getting towards that. Mine tore completely about 3 years ago, after a few months of very physical work.

After the operation I had to spend 4 months in a jointed cast, and another 3 months wearing a jointed support.

Still, this painkillers they give you are nice. :D

  • Offline SteveF

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Re:Knee Pain
Reply #5 on: February 21, 2008, 09:09:16 AM
I hope not too mate! :O

I think Ill play with my saddle height a bit more and set it even higher.  Im just confused how my right knee is ok and my left knee hurts.  If I set my saddle higher Im assuming it may fix my left knee but hurt my right knee.  Ill keep playing with the height.  It recovered after 1 day this time so it seems to be getting a little better.  (Or more numb to the pain lol)

Re:Knee Pain
Reply #6 on: February 22, 2008, 03:21:07 AM
Quote from: SteveF
I hope not too mate! :O

I think Ill play with my saddle height a bit more and set it even higher.  Im just confused how my right knee is ok and my left knee hurts.  If I set my saddle higher Im assuming it may fix my left knee but hurt my right knee.  Ill keep playing with the height.  It recovered after 1 day this time so it seems to be getting a little better.  (Or more numb to the pain lol)

Id go with poor placement of the feet on the pedals.

I had similar problems when I first started using SPDs... locked my right foot in my case at a more heel-in angle than my left.

  • Offline Dave

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Re:Knee Pain
Reply #7 on: March 04, 2008, 20:55:53 PM
get it looked at if it continues tbh...

I had 3 visits to my GP and he was completely useless - just sent me for an x-ray when if hed even bothered to look at the knee hed see the tendon was visibly raised over the joint

Phoned up HCA yesterday and booked myself in on Thursday with an orthopedic surgeon for a consultation. Hopefully will get an MRI scan done which my dad has basically told me to get all along.

NHS is wank in comparison tbh..

  • Offline SteveF

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Re:Knee Pain
Reply #8 on: March 04, 2008, 23:05:15 PM
funny you should bump this - been doing leg weights tonight at the gym and the problems reappeared and not from cardio/cycling.

Its decidedly weaker and is actually quite painful when I press on it with my finger after heavy use (soft tissue I assume).  Ill see what the deal is with work and going private.  I dont know who were with (never really bothered to read the health package) but let me know how you get on with HCA.  Im going to give it another couple of weeks and see how it goes but guess I should know what I have to do in case it gets worse.  Hope you get it sorted fella. :)

  • Offline Dave

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Re:Knee Pain
Reply #9 on: March 06, 2008, 23:04:52 PM
Went today - was a sports injury unit at the hospital - was late for the appointment and they werent fussed - went straight in to see the guy. He took a look, saw the tendon was raised a bit and am now going to get the x-rays done again and have an MRI scan - probably get that booked for early next week tbh..

the company was HCA and I think they are probably the biggest in London - they own the Harley Street Clinic, London Bridge hospital and a few others - they accept BUPA and a few other providers or you can obviously just pay yourself too.

The policy Ive got with work is pretty much unrestricted - if you just phone up whoever youre with and get authorization then you can just phone up HCA and theyll recommend a consultant for you. You may need to get a referral from a GP but as long as you tell them youre going private theyll just give you one.

  • Offline SteveF

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Re:Knee Pain
Reply #10 on: March 06, 2008, 23:27:56 PM
Yeah it looks like as long as its not a pre-existing condition its unrestricted.  It seems itd have been a lot more complicated if it was an injury/illness I already had.

Would an XRay show anything useful?  Id have though an xray would pass straight through a raised tendon.  MRI sounds like a better tool for you.

  • Offline Dave

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Re:Knee Pain
Reply #11 on: March 07, 2008, 00:15:37 AM
yeah - thats what my dad said too...

basically my sister (also a doctor) took a look at Christmas and reckoned it was the tendon - GP sent me for a normal x-ray and came back with some other theories - my dad basically said that the x-ray would be crap for diagnosing it anyway and I should get an MRI done (expensive so no go with the NHS as it isnt really a serious injury).

The consultant today basically said hed be inclined to agree with my sister and reckons it is an issue with the tendon - though I think he also wants new x-rays done in order to clear up/clarify whatever my GPs was saying.

Knee Pain
Reply #12 on: March 09, 2008, 03:50:10 AM
MRI on NHS when I was effectively paralysed with a slipped disk + sciatica.... 6 month waiting list, and that was with "favours pulled" apparantly.

  • Offline Dave

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Re:Knee Pain
Reply #13 on: March 11, 2008, 21:22:53 PM
6 months!!!! - thats crazy tbh...

I just had one today - only booked it on Friday and made sure it was a lunchtime appointment

didnt think Id use this health insurance much but damn glad Ive got it now!

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