Author Topic: M3tas - I need transport - Lets do this thread.  (Read 12388 times)

Re:M3tas - I need transport - Lets do this thread.
Reply #75 on: October 14, 2007, 21:12:06 PM
for the stereo all you need is a +12v either permanant or ignition switched or both. then a wire to some bare metal on the chassis (-0v) and then your wires to the speakers, you just wire those up to some iso plugs and you can have any stereo then.

if your lucky when you take the blanking plate from the DIN in the car all the cables will be behind it, maybe even on ISO connectors all ready.

I imagine for most alarms all you will need is a 12v feed, either from the stereo, cig lighter or straight from the batt. and a 0v,

M3tas - I need transport - Lets do this thread.
Reply #76 on: October 15, 2007, 11:04:43 AM
Righty... this ball seems to be moving.

Theory Test booked: 19th October, 9:15am in brissle :D

Bricking it already and I only booked it a few minutes ago. Passed the online demo ones with 47 and 49 questions correct so not that worried about the theory test, more worried about the hazard perception but have a cd-rom to help with that at home :)
Woo... and first driving lesson tomorrow: 2 hour lesson @ 7:30pm :D

M3tas - I need transport - Lets do this thread.
Reply #77 on: October 15, 2007, 14:11:37 PM
Thats somewhat gay... Driving lesson has been put back to Friday now. :(

M3tas - I need transport - Lets do this thread.
Reply #78 on: October 15, 2007, 23:20:07 PM
Quote from: M3ta7h3ad
Thats somewhat gay... Driving lesson has been put back to Friday now. :(

no a good start, tell who ever is teaching you that it better not happen often, there is plenty of competition about.

M3tas - I need transport - Lets do this thread.
Reply #79 on: October 16, 2007, 00:55:58 AM
Quote from: DEViANCE
Quote from: M3ta7h3ad
Thats somewhat gay... Driving lesson has been put back to Friday now. :(

no a good start, tell who ever is teaching you that it better not happen often, there is plenty of competition about.

In fairness I called them up and pushed them for the earliest day they could have me, the woman on the phone said there was a slot this evening but there was a student that the instructor was with who may take it.

I booked it provisionally, and they called back 30 minutes later apologising but saying that the man had booked it already before the instructor checked her voicemails on her phone.

Not too bad.

M3tas - I need transport - Lets do this thread.
Reply #80 on: October 19, 2007, 16:12:22 PM
lol the theory test is shockingly easy.

49/50 (44 is pass) questions, and the question I got wrong I know what I did wrong, and meant to correct it but hit end exam instead of review flagged DOH!

and Hazard Perception...

58/75 (44 is pass) which considering on one of the clips it docked me 5 points because it classed my clicking as cheating... is bloody good.

Screw weeks of preparation, one just needs 2 practice exams (the ones the DSA provide are fine), and 4 run throughs of a hazard perception test in order to get used to what on earth they want you to look for, and if you dont pass, then you must be retarded, because to be perfectly frank... that was a piece of piss.

About the most difficult question of mine was: What is a cover note for? A. Insurance, B. MOT, C. Tax, D. Registration.

Its scary how little you really need the highway code providing you have common sense.

Re:M3tas - I need transport - Lets do this thread.
Reply #81 on: October 19, 2007, 16:23:01 PM
There should be a basic practical exam
Change a Tyre
Check & Change a Fuse
Check Oil & Water - Top if required

I estimate, with all the women that would keep off the road, wed more than double the middle lane capacity

M3tas - I need transport - Lets do this thread.
Reply #82 on: October 19, 2007, 16:24:02 PM
That should be done, they take the time to open a bonnet up at a practical test, I think they should make you do those things... be quite good to do it :)

Re:M3tas - I need transport - Lets do this thread.
Reply #83 on: October 19, 2007, 16:24:49 PM
You should look elsewhere for lessons if its that hard to get a lesson.

I went for my "lets see where you are" instruction hour & was told I dont really need any lessons  :mrgreen:

Still failed 3 times though  :shock:

M3tas - I need transport - Lets do this thread.
Reply #84 on: October 19, 2007, 18:22:14 PM
Wasnt that hard. its happening tonight. Just when I booked it she was fully booked, and the guy she was with at the time got the slot before she checked her voicemail.

I was told from the start that it depends if she gets her messages before someone books it. :) Starts in just over an hour :D quite excited :D lol. Hoping that Ill do alright.

M3tas - I need transport - Lets do this thread.
Reply #85 on: October 19, 2007, 20:47:35 PM
cant remember what I needed for my HGV class2 licence to pass... it was a bit harder than the car one (theres a LOT more possible questions)  but most are still common sence....

as for the hazard perception... youre right, a few run throughs and its easy !.... for us geeks !

when I was doing my class 2 stuff there were a LOT of lorry drivers who had been driving for years but were crying like little girls because they couldent pass the hazard perception one :o   (you have to re-test every X years to be a lorry driver)

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M3tas - I need transport - Lets do this thread.
Reply #86 on: October 19, 2007, 22:10:38 PM
some people will spot hazards before they even show obvious signs of becoming one, its a blanket test

M3tas - I need transport - Lets do this thread.
Reply #87 on: October 19, 2007, 22:19:12 PM
Okay first lesson... I think from the feedback (unless she was bullsh*tting me :D lol) that I absolutely rocked the planet on that.

- Cockpit stuffs... mirrors and whatnot.
- Starting offs
- Pulling overs
- Changing gears (to 3rd... was going to do 4th but did something else after)
- Left hand turns
- Left hand turns emerging into traffic (T Junction)
- Roundabouts (the thing we did instead of just changing up to 4th).

Bad Points: I crossed my arms a bit, I hit a phase of stalling about 5 times in a row at the same point.

Good Points: Everything was pretty much automatic after being shown it once, I positioned my car correctly at junctions for the turn, mirrors - signal - manouvre of my own accord, automatically checked the mirrors pretty much every 10 seconds or so just to check for things going on, dealt with twats who would overtake me just cause I have an L plate on the roof, apparantly showed more skill in driving than some students shes been trying to teach for around 10 hours.

Gear changes were always smooth, starting out had the stalling issue for about 10 minutes but got over that, stopping at the white line again... automatic, even when in 3rd and increasing speed, made sure I kept it at 30mph :) without being yelled at. :D

Ahh I think im addicted.

Next Lesson: Saturday 27th October - Right hand turns & something else.

M3tas - I need transport - Lets do this thread.
Reply #88 on: October 19, 2007, 22:46:27 PM
that sounds pretty good for a first lesson !

my first instructor was way too slow, he took forever telling me things I already knew (like how breaks, clutch etc.. work)

ditched him after he fell asleep during a lesson with his foot on the break with me driving along :s

if youve done that much on a first lesson then you should fly through !

    • - It's new and improved!
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Re:M3tas - I need transport - Lets do this thread.
Reply #89 on: October 20, 2007, 00:19:44 AM
It depends on your rate of learning and quality of instructor. To me that sounds like a solid first lesson. Any less and Id be looking for instruction elsewhere, so good job.

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