Author Topic: IT band knee pain.  (Read 2507 times)

IT band knee pain.
on: April 18, 2006, 20:31:14 PM
Got it real bad yesterday after a hearty 30 miler. Must have been the half dozen grinders I included in my route. One so steep, that my neighbor, an amateur racer, who saw me from his Toyota, was amazed that I even attempted it with a 42X16. :lol:

Still a bit sore today. Thats what I get for being a [blink]MACHO MAN[/blink]. :P

Im trying a new saddle position for a short ride later to see if it helps. The new Flite put me a bit further back than I comped for, so my knee was 3cm behind the pedal axel. I moved it forward and up about a cm. Supposedly toes-down pedaling helps, and I usually do that, but was a masher yesterday.

Stretching helps a bit for some folks, and cleat position on any pedal that offers 5 or more degrees of float doesnt matter that much for this. :P

So if ya feel the twinge on the outside of your knee, now you know what it is.

So for cyclists heres the short list, none of which are a sure solution, but something to think about:

lower saddle
move saddle forward
toes down style
stretching after warm up

IT band knee pain.
Reply #1 on: April 19, 2006, 05:54:51 AM
Saddle position helped! w00t!

I must have bunged up when I switched to the Flite.

I spun down to the bottoms very gently, and did the first 5 miles at a moderate clip, careful about technique, then at the end of the path, I saw a strapping young fellow on a Bianchi carbon jobber pass me the other way, so I turned around after 300m or so and couldnt resist the chase. :mrgreen: I caught up with him in less than a mile, and asked how he was doing, and he said, "I need challenge, Im bored". So with my bum knee feeling fine, I said, then suck my wheel and try to keep up. :P I pulled him in my slipstream for four miles till I reached the train trestle, eased up and told him thats the best I could do. :lol: We must have cooked at around 25mph the whole way, not bad for the conditions. We bid our fairwells, or so I thought till I caught up with him on the climb out of the park, which is a 1/4 mile grinder of switchbacks. He lost me again on the mile and a half climb to the crest that takes you to downtown, but I caught him right at the top. Of course he killed me on the downhill, as I dont do insane speeds in urban areas. Fun though. Nice to meet somebody like myself that enjoys a bit of very friendly rivalry to get the blood pumping. I hope I meet the nice guy again. :thumbup:

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Re:IT band knee pain.
Reply #2 on: April 20, 2006, 02:24:52 AM
I get problems but unless it rains its almost certainly going to be cartelage problems under strain, as soon as it does rain though it changes to muscle cramp.

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