Author Topic: French XUD engines rock!!  (Read 5379 times)

  • Offline Chris

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French XUD engines rock!!
on: February 02, 2007, 16:04:25 PM
Id jacked it in with the 406 cos it was unreliable (wouldnt start when I wanted it to) and had been using the Nexia for a month, so I decided it was high time i got her running and got shot of it.

I couldnt get a can of easy start in halfords, so I decided on something a little more... accesible - a can of unleaded :D

I poured a little onto the air filter, without succes, she just turned over, so I chucked some down the air intake pipe and she started coughing.  I poured some more in and sure enough she got going.

I waited until she had warmed up until i shut her off and put everything back together, then started her up.

She was a bit reluctant, but after a few seconds of turning over she started to fire and eventually got going.  As she started to rev up, i took my foot off the accelerator, only to find she kept on revving up to and past the redline on the rev-counter.  sh*t.

I had forgotten about the petrol Id chucked onto the air filter and it was burning on its own!! Needless to say i turned off the engine as soon as i realised the gravity of the situation, but it just kept on going and going.

My first reaction was to jump out and put my hand over the air intake, but it was all connected up so that was out of the question.

In panic mode, I was about to leap out of the car and physically grab hold of the engine to try and stop it (lmao) but then common sense kicked in and I put it in 5th and stalled the engine.

After removing the air filter, she started just fine and doesnt seem any worse for wear form her 8000 RPM extravaganza.

Im mildly disappointed i didnt have to catch a con rod or anything, but i have a new found respect for the hardyness of the engine :lol:

  • Offline Serious

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Re:French XUD engines rock!!
Reply #1 on: February 02, 2007, 16:17:10 PM
Blocking the air intake with your hand is not recommended, better with a big wad of cloth or plastic.

At least you didnt notice the pool of petrol on the floor and try to see if it would burn...

  • Offline Chris

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French XUD engines rock!!
Reply #2 on: February 02, 2007, 16:23:52 PM
LMAO, i had a (small) measure of foresight and kept a fire extinguisher close at hand in case of emergencies!! hehe.

French XUD engines rock!!
Reply #3 on: February 02, 2007, 16:42:44 PM
reminds me when i was working on a derv astra and grabbed the throttle cable, which promptly jammed and the engine roared up and stuck at top revs, soon sorted with the turn of a key tho

French XUD engines rock!!
Reply #4 on: February 02, 2007, 19:36:08 PM
chris, the trick is to remove the spark plugs and pore about a teaspoon of petrol into each cilinder, thatll get it going :D

.... I can only just remember one of the lorrys my dad had when I was a little kid.... every cold morning hed tip the pasanger seat back (to get at the engine) put hald a rolld up newspaper into the air-intake and then light it on fire.... would start up right away with that.... was no chance without it :o

  • Offline Chris

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French XUD engines rock!!
Reply #5 on: February 02, 2007, 20:02:06 PM
lmao getting the glow plugs out isnt a 5 minute job :lol:

  • Offline Pete

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Re:French XUD engines rock!!
Reply #6 on: February 02, 2007, 20:12:16 PM
lol, I drove a car with a duff carb a few years ago, 4,000rpm idle :D
I know sh*ts bad right now with all that starving bullsh*t and the dust storms and we are running out of french fries and burrito coverings.

Re:French XUD engines rock!!
Reply #7 on: February 02, 2007, 20:59:48 PM
Quote from: sdp
lol, I drove a car with a duff carb a few years ago, 4,000rpm idle :D

LOL! I do 70 at 4000rpm in 5th!!

  • Offline Edd

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French XUD engines rock!!
Reply #8 on: February 02, 2007, 21:44:52 PM
i do 60 at 2000rpm :P

  • Offline Nos

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Re:French XUD engines rock!!
Reply #9 on: February 02, 2007, 22:06:54 PM
Not this again  :lol:

French XUD engines rock!!
Reply #10 on: February 02, 2007, 23:32:31 PM
pah !

Ive got a van that tops out at 5mph in 1st gear !!!
(tho its suposed to be like that)

rah rah rah, mines better than yours, nexias suck ass

French XUD engines rock!!
Reply #11 on: February 02, 2007, 23:40:56 PM
LOL saying nothing here

  • Offline Chris

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French XUD engines rock!!
Reply #12 on: February 03, 2007, 10:43:35 AM
Quote from: knighty
pah !

Ive got a van that tops out at 5mph in 1st gear !!!
(tho its suposed to be like that)

rah rah rah, mines better than yours, nexias suck ass

Well its not the nexia thats had a problem, lmao its the only modern car ive had thats never gone wrong :D

French XUD engines rock!!
Reply #13 on: February 06, 2007, 09:05:22 AM
Quote from: knighty
chris, the trick is to remove the spark plugs and pore about a teaspoon of petrol into each cilinder, thatll get it going :D

I treat any advice about a diesel engine which starts "remove the spark plugs" with due contempt

kinda like suggesting you remove the front drivers side wheel on a snowmobile

  • Offline madmax

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French XUD engines rock!!
Reply #14 on: February 06, 2007, 18:38:21 PM
Quote from: Edd
i do 60 at 2000rpm :P

mine starts to stall at 1,200 in first  :roll:   :P
doesnt like sub 10mph speeds  :lol:

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