Author Topic: Crum Ball Rally  (Read 38826 times)

  • Offline SteveF

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Re:Crum Ball Rally
Reply #210 on: July 01, 2007, 13:02:47 PM
we have a perfectly round 2p size hole in our gearbox already - to Motorworld!

  • Offline wez

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Re:Crum Ball Rally
Reply #211 on: July 01, 2007, 16:49:41 PM
oil plug fell out  :shock:  :?:

Chemical metal is your friend anyhow  :D  :lol:

heres what im busy doing:

even though ive just painted the boot and roof in the rain, lmao

  • Offline Sara

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Crum Ball Rally
Reply #212 on: July 01, 2007, 23:20:04 PM
Just had a thought - is the Critical Alert status going to affect the ferries?

  • Offline Sara

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Crum Ball Rally
Reply #213 on: July 02, 2007, 17:27:10 PM
Also, we need a team name!!

  • Offline SteveF

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Re:Crum Ball Rally
Reply #214 on: July 02, 2007, 18:37:58 PM
yeah - you can be in charge of the team name Sara :D

Wez - Mr_roll/Andy needs to use the car as his day to day car so were not going to be allowed to paint it now so youre way way ahead of us.  Just hope were not the only team who doesnt decorate our car.

Not sure about the ferries - Ive only seen flood warnings which shouldnt be a problem but not seen if theres any wind around for the next lot of rain.  High winds do stop ferries but they have to be very high.

  • Offline Sara

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Crum Ball Rally
Reply #215 on: July 02, 2007, 18:53:34 PM
Oooo ooo okay. Will try and think of something amusing by Thursday...

...yeah I was wondering about the paint job seeing as Andy wanted to keep the car! As a compromise, can I suggest adding cling-film to the bonnet/doors and spray-painting that? Itll probably sag a bit with heat/rain, but that just means replacing it every so often (thats a chance to put a new silly slogan on daily, though!) :D

Well still put the "47" sticker on though, right?

  • Offline wez

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Re:Crum Ball Rally
Reply #216 on: July 03, 2007, 00:03:43 AM
lol... im keeping our car too if it makes it, but were still gonna be silly with it ;)

a little tip, use cheapo household emulsion with some washing up liquid in, when you get home wash the car with hot water and itll wasw straight off ;)

im getting excited now

  • Offline SteveF

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Re:Crum Ball Rally
Reply #217 on: July 03, 2007, 00:05:05 AM
Quote from: wez
la little tip, use cheapo household emulsion with some washing up liquid in, when you get home wash the car hot water and itll wash straight off ;)

really - that might be worth a try.  Must admit Im kinda gutted about the not painting thing tbh.  Everyone I speak to ask the same 3 questions...

question 1) What car you doing it in?
answer 1) A giant volvo with over 260,000 miles already on the clock
response 1) laughter and smiles

question 2) whats your team name?
answer 2) we havent thought of one yet I think
response 2) a bit dissapointed but usually come up with suggestions

question 3) what colour have you painted the car
answer 3) were not painting it
response 3) that sucks

Id rather pay for quarter of the car so we can paint it and get in the spirit of the rally.  The cost of the car is meaningless when filling it with petrol increases its  value by half.  Seems a shame not to do it properly cause half the fun is doing it in a comedy style.  Trying to save the car and keep it in as good as possible condition is slightly against the theme.

Mate did a rally last week in an old Volvo done as ghostbusters style (below).  Doing that would only take a coat of white paint which could either be washed off using Wezs trick or tbh a white volvo should be fine for day to day use afterwards.  Everything else on tht decoration is just random crap stuck to the roof rack.  The current paint job is screwed already with scratches and rust (the cars sat outside my window right now since we brought it over to mine paint on Saturday before the last minute change).  Im not sure gambling on the car making the round trip and actually being of any use afterwards is the way to do this the more I think about it.  Its either a car for the rally or it isnt.

  • Offline wez

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Re:Crum Ball Rally
Reply #218 on: July 03, 2007, 00:14:27 AM
that volvos mint...

i know what you mean about the car, will be a shame no to tart it up....
but itll still be a laugh, good crack etc...

ours is now orange & black, silly stripes and getting a few choice graphics tomorrow...

if it makes it back its gonna be my daily driver for a bit... if you leave the rally stickers on it, people will realise youve painted it for a laugh and yer not just being a bell end :D

  • Offline SteveF

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Re:Crum Ball Rally
Reply #219 on: July 03, 2007, 00:18:28 AM
yeah she was trying to persuade me that is how we should do ours instead of camo since you just end up with a plain white volvo at the end of it.  I reckon its the way to go but its out of my hands.  Its very cool tho.

Plus its a good excuse to have flashy lights, an airhorn and carry a super soaker! If we do it Im tempted to do the rally in overalls and cobble together a backpack for the true ghostbuster look hehe :D

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Re:Crum Ball Rally
Reply #220 on: July 03, 2007, 00:54:06 AM
Another idea is to give it a quick coat of white paint, or another light colour and get random people to sign it with a waterproof felt tipped pen.

It wont be exactly original but worth a go. Get as many of the other teams to sign it too, and any celebs you run into  :mrgreen:

  • Offline wez

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Re:Crum Ball Rally
Reply #221 on: July 03, 2007, 03:15:53 AM
erm, idea...  :!:

why not wallpaper the beast? Prob quicker than painting it, and totally removable... not sure if it would come off if it rained, but just take some gaffer tape with ya if it starts to peel... lol
If you search youtube for the staples2naples 2006, theres a sierra with tartan wallpaper and it looks cool

im pretty sure it wouldnt damage the paintwork after a good wash/polish once removed  :D

Re:Crum Ball Rally
Reply #222 on: July 03, 2007, 08:16:14 AM
hmm nice plan wez and welcome to tekforums :)

Nice car too!!

Thinking of looking for Vinyl makers today but off to work now.

Re:Crum Ball Rally
Reply #223 on: July 03, 2007, 09:03:26 AM
Andy if you are wanting Vinyl pop along to the main upper sage car park around 7:30 - 9pm tonight as a lad off the Corsa C forum works with this stuff, hes getting vinyl for me for the B Pillar of the car instead of paying Irmscher £59 for it the jokers.
Steam: Grey_Mata

  • Offline Sara

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Crum Ball Rally
Reply #224 on: July 03, 2007, 12:41:59 PM
How about:

Veni, Vidi, Volvo

("I came, I saw, I roll" - which ties in with Mr Roll and the brand of the car)

As for decoration... I seriously think clingfilm and spraypaint might be a quick-n-dirty fix!

Otherwise we could go all Roman on its ass and attach a load of leafy branches with cable ties to the top (laurel wreath), or try and clad it in bed sheets (toga)...

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