Author Topic: Crum Ball Rally  (Read 38827 times)

Re:Crum Ball Rally
Reply #195 on: June 28, 2007, 19:58:56 PM
Quote from: SteveF
ok - a week to go people :)

Im very underprepared (of course) but guess we need to start thinking about this properly soon.

We still up for painting it this weekend?  If so its meant to be pouring with rain so well have to jerry rig a cover of some sort.  Youre welcome to park/paint it at my parents house.  Theres a space where my car used to be lol.

I should have got insured earlier and used it as my day to day run about last week now I think about it - would have saved me a ton of problems with lack of transport hehe

So true, Im getting really excited about the trip!!!!! :D

Although, Steve... What happens if the V5 doesnt come in time... I am getting worried now. There is no Tax without the V5.

Can we borrow your dads GTi?

I think we need to get everything for the car, if the V5 doesnt come then we can put all the things onto another car we could buy that has the tax already.

I honestly dont think my little rallye would do the journey!

I could buy a 3rd car, but I really dont want to :):(

  • Offline SteveF

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Re:Crum Ball Rally
Reply #196 on: June 28, 2007, 20:06:03 PM
All the cars here are in use Im afraid.  Could probably have taken any of them if it was just the weekend but cant acquire them for a week.  Taking mine wouldnt normally be a problem but its been stolen of course.

Weve still got a while yet till the v5 has to be here but someone mentioned a postal strike...  not sure of details but that could have an effect.

Is there a backup for getting a v5 like going to the DVLA?  There must be some system in place for getting one on short notice...

Hows the car looking?  has it got all the stuff like headlight deflectors for driving on the wrong side of the road?

Re:Crum Ball Rally
Reply #197 on: June 28, 2007, 20:13:55 PM
Quote from: SteveF
All the cars here are in use Im afraid.  Could probably have taken any of them if it was just the weekend but cant acquire them for a week.  Taking mine wouldnt normally be a problem but its been stolen of course.

Weve still got a while yet till the v5 has to be here but someone mentioned a postal strike...  not sure of details but that could have an effect.

Is there a backup for getting a v5 like going to the DVLA?  There must be some system in place for getting one on short notice...

Hows the car looking?  has it got all the stuff like headlight deflectors for driving on the wrong side of the road?

Well have to do all the European mods at the weekend. I have a list.

Unfortunately I asked the DVLA, at the Gosforth branch and they said Id have to have the V5 to tax the car.

I mean I could take my little peugeot if things to really tight... But Id have to replace the brakes and fix the things I want to fix before hand.

Basically they said the V5 would take 4 weeks, I sent off for it on the 7th of this month, this leads upto next Thursday. Although I can take it to the DVLA office and get it taxed there and then.

The postal strike is from tomorrow till Monday. So hopefully itll be in the post!

Re:Crum Ball Rally
Reply #198 on: June 28, 2007, 20:16:58 PM
Theres a taxed 1.3 Toyota starlet on ad trader... for 150... could go and buy that as a back up.

Re:Crum Ball Rally
Reply #199 on: June 28, 2007, 20:19:16 PM
Just rang the DVLA the document was issued yestarday, sent 2nd class so should get to me by wednesday or thursday!

I sent Jo, the woman at the DVLA a big kiss down the phone :D

Crum Ball Rally
Reply #200 on: June 28, 2007, 20:21:19 PM
theres a (slim) chance you could take me bm... all depending on if my brother gets his new car in time as Ive already promised it to him (and he needs a car for work!)

  • Offline SteveF

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Re:Crum Ball Rally
Reply #201 on: June 28, 2007, 20:22:21 PM
awesome news!!!  She can have a kiss from me too!  That means were pretty much good to go! :)

You want to paint it here or are you unable to move it till the v5 appears?  (guess if it arrives tomorrow then it can be regd before then anyway).  Might be easier than doing it on your mums grass.

Re:Crum Ball Rally
Reply #202 on: June 28, 2007, 20:33:42 PM
Quote from: SteveF
awesome news!!!  She can have a kiss from me too!  That means were pretty much good to go! :)

You want to paint it here or are you unable to move it till the v5 appears?  (guess if it arrives tomorrow then it can be regd before then anyway).  Might be easier than doing it on your mums grass.

hmm I dont really want to risk an £80 fine... Ive done it before but dont want to chance my luck again.

Can we work on the car itself? and get the European mods done?

The Gas adapters...

...Im getting confused... Ill give them a call tomorrow while at work and I think we will really only need a french adapter and maybe an Italian adapter. We will mostly be in France...

  • Offline SteveF

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Re:Crum Ball Rally
Reply #203 on: June 28, 2007, 20:40:19 PM
sure  - most of the european mods we cant fit onto the car until we get on the ferry.

A french only gas adapter is probably enough.  90% of the journey is in France anyway.

Assuming the v5 arrives tomorrow then tax can be got then or Saturday morning and then the car should be road legal.  Think were about the last team to paint ours now.  You seen the union jack one yet? Theyve done a great budget job.  The starsky and hutch one is pretty cool too.  The nicest was that sierra but they dropped £1500 on a spray job and now arent going to take it as its too nice lol


Re:Crum Ball Rally
Reply #204 on: June 28, 2007, 20:45:43 PM
That looks insane...

Lets do it over at yours sat morning yeah... Where do your parents live? want to PM me the addy?

The V5 defo wont come tomorrow, since its a postal strike :( Saturday maybe... but tuesday possible. (as postal strike on Monday too.

That Union Jack merc is mad!!

I could bring it over tonight if you wanted?

  • Offline SteveF

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Re:Crum Ball Rally
Reply #206 on: June 28, 2007, 20:53:33 PM
yeah I love the paint job on that merc.  Its a shame someone did the union Jack as we should have thought of it first :)

Ahh I see what you mean about the postal strike and the V5 delay.  Yeah sure, can bring it over tonight or whenever (pmd you the rents address).

Ill sort us out some sheeting and things in case its raining on saturday.  Plus want a big sheet under the car so we dont end up painting the drive lol

I wouldnt bother with the winch.  I big bit of rope and some horsepower should solve any problem :)

  • Offline wez

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Re:Crum Ball Rally
Reply #207 on: June 29, 2007, 02:18:22 AM
Hey folks....

just googled the crumball and this site came up :D

Well, that resprayed sierra you speak of is mine... its worth about £2500 now, so not really fair to take on the rally, plus if i had to ditch it in europe id cry!

We did buy another sierra for £160 but the headgasket popped a few weeks ago.

So i nipped over to hexham and bought a TD mondeo for £75 with no tax/mot.

Its all legal now, only had a snapped spring and a few bulbs out, but apart from that, weve still done nothing to it.... and to make matters worse - the gearbox has started making an awfull whining noise and we cant get it sorted in time, plus we still gotta service it, paint it etc...

oh and somebody crashed into it yesterday lol, but its still alive.

looks like its a busy weekend for both our teams :D

When are yous leaving to go down to dover?

Were thinking of midninght on the wed/thurs... fancy going down together (leaving from gateshead)

Oh and i gotta find my old CB and mag mount aerial too

Weve got a spare place if anybody wants to join and chip in for costs...
Mr Roll knows us all pretty well, so we wont kidnap ya :lol:


  • Offline SteveF

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Re:Crum Ball Rally
Reply #208 on: June 29, 2007, 15:24:25 PM
heya Wez.  Dont blame you for not taking the Sierra tbh :)

This is our schedule:

Mr_roll and me are driving down from Newcastle on thursday setting off early thursday.  So yeah, if youre coming from Hexham/Gateshead itll be cool to head down together. :)

Were catching the 21:35 ferry from Dover (on thurs 5th)

Its actually looking like we might have a spare spot in our car too as Eru (our 4th member) was having problems with flights and has kinda vanished.

  • Offline wez

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Re:Crum Ball Rally
Reply #209 on: June 30, 2007, 15:15:03 PM

were booked on the 10.40am speed ferry though... so leaving at midnight, gonna take it easy on thw way down due to gearbox issues, add to that outer london rush hour traffic, so well be leaving midnight to make it in good it - if we make it at all.


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