Author Topic: Crum Ball Rally  (Read 38896 times)

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Re:Crum Ball Rally
Reply #135 on: May 30, 2007, 01:07:33 AM
Not to panic anyone, but I may not be able to make it now after all as we are trying to move house over the next couple of months  :(

Just a warning at the moment in case you want to find a backup/replacement for me guys. I dont want to put you all out. Sorry  :(

  • Offline SteveF

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Re:Crum Ball Rally
Reply #136 on: May 30, 2007, 01:26:42 AM
Sorry to join this late... is this the rally from the 6-8th of July?

If so then Im definitely up for stepping in if Nige cant make it.  I dont need a huge amount of notice so Nige can wait till last minute to let me know if he can go or not or Im happy to sign up straight away if you know already.  Wasnt planning on doing aything else that weekend anyway so Im all yours lol.

Mr Roll lives just up the road from me so I can help out with painting the car and all the leg work for getting ready.  Im not amazingly up to speed on fixing cars tbh (although I have built one and can fix most mechanical stuff someone puts in front of me).  At the very least I dont mind getting my hands/arms/head/everything dirty trying.  If I can get away with not extending my insurance to driving abroad for the full five days and having a laugh in the car/camp sites with a few beers and shenanigans then all the better!    My role can be bringing joy to europe with my beautiful ass... :lol:  

Should be a good laugh - its only a few days of rallying across europe and the worst that happens is the car catches fire and we just have a BBQ in the middle of France/Italy in July :D  Neither of those things sound like a terrible way of spending a weekend to me.

PS: Knighty, sucks you cant go - not seen you in ages!  Getting a new house in next couple of months and were running a monthly poker night again if youre in? :)

PPS: does the Volvo run only on LPG or can you use normal fuel too?  I seem to remember bits of europe being sketchy with LPG only cars (different filler sizes and problems using car transporters and tunnels...).  Its cheap but were screwed if we run out or its a hot summer in Italy

Crum Ball Rally
Reply #137 on: May 30, 2007, 22:55:27 PM
i know, sucks big time, was really up for it :(

....just cant say no too 2 hot girls inviting me over to india with them :o

p.s. oops forgot to say, yeah Im up for poker anytime !

  • Offline SteveF

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Re:Crum Ball Rally
Reply #138 on: May 31, 2007, 00:55:16 AM
awesome man - Ill be in touch. :)

Crum Ball Rally
Reply #139 on: May 31, 2007, 13:56:56 PM
Yeah give me some advance on Poker and I will come also ;)

  • Offline SteveF

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Re:Crum Ball Rally
Reply #140 on: May 31, 2007, 14:08:22 PM
cool :D  you got round your job commitments?  but yeah Ill be starting it up again properly and letting everyone know with plenty of warning :)

  • Offline ERU

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Crum Ball Rally
Reply #141 on: June 01, 2007, 00:15:41 AM
Hey folks, just poping back sober to confirm. This is all depending on a cheap flight on Sun tho. As for camping ill sleep anywhere and if it;s got too many bumps ill have a drink and sleep there anyhow. My internet has been cut off so it might be best to ring/txt me.
Ill have myself all sorted by the end of next week.

Re:Crum Ball Rally
Reply #142 on: June 02, 2007, 00:05:49 AM
Good news all! Although a bit dissapointed about your news Nige, but great job Steve stepping in there :)

Steve thanks for that, like I said, we plan to drive down the night of the 5th of July, getting to Folkstone for the 22:50 train.
(Id also like to play poker too :D)

Oh and steve... :)

I didnt pay my internet after my debit card expired and I got a new one and my Internet has been cut off, and Tiscali are going to take upto 48hrs to put it back on. Damn fools! so Im at my dads just now.

I think it might be easier with that big tent alan offered, what do you guys think?

  • Offline Sara

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Crum Ball Rally
Reply #143 on: June 02, 2007, 10:35:56 AM
Big tent sounds fine to me!

22.50 train, cool. Who is booking it?

Tell me when I need to start paying for & booking stuff :)

  • Offline SteveF

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Re:Crum Ball Rally
Reply #144 on: June 03, 2007, 00:35:59 AM
yeah big tent is cool with me too :)

just let me know what and when you need things from me.  Kind of keen to help with the paint job if you want any help...  Guess you have my phone number but if not just PM me.

edit:  Mr_roll: "Id also like to play poker too."

Itll be open invite to all Tek people of course but all northerners get a direct invite ofc :)  Even Serious!

Re:Crum Ball Rally
Reply #145 on: June 05, 2007, 18:54:17 PM
Hey all back after a Tiscali were screwing me around a bit.

Ill book the train tonight so I just need a 1/4 of £50 for the train, transfered into my account would be perfect :)

I bought the insurance today for myself, which I have to get 12 months insurance for myself, at a cost of £731!!

Next is to tax it and get it ready for the trip in Europe :)

Need preferably 2 new tyres, one for the spare and one on the rear as the other one is a little low on tread.

Ill get the tax when I get my insurance docs through (under 7days) :)

  • Offline SteveF

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Re:Crum Ball Rally
Reply #146 on: June 05, 2007, 20:15:45 PM
can you pm me your bank details so I can transfer the cash :)

easier than MSN as Ill lose it if I just stick it on a piece of paper.

  • Offline Sara

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Crum Ball Rally
Reply #147 on: June 05, 2007, 21:47:22 PM
Cool, will transfer you the £50 soon - let me know what I need to add to that!

Crum Ball Rally
Reply #148 on: June 05, 2007, 22:22:02 PM
sara, send it to me and ill send it on to him....

(because your sending him too much and ill nick the profit!  woohoo)

  • Offline SteveF

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Re:Crum Ball Rally
Reply #149 on: June 05, 2007, 22:25:56 PM
I can send the £12.50 ;) and then you can just send it back if Nige can go... :)

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